One Weird Trick To Stay Sane: Beware Out-LIAR Polls

There are certain polls you should never trust. Guess which News Network they come from?

Watch Morning Joe's Mika Brezinski and Willie Geist take a Fox News Poll seriously. Seriously?

Yep, the latest series of general election polls are out, and guess who has Trump ahead?

Fox and Rasmussen! Yay!

Stupid question: If NINE polls have Clinton ahead and ONE has Trump ahead, which one gets a segment on Morning Joe?

Yeah... like I said... stupid question.

You can read the actual poll list here. Rasmussen (the polling place that only calls voters who ordered that Fred Thompson reverse mortgage DVD) came a few days later than the Fox poll and concluded that indeed Trump is ahead ahead ahead!!! That Rasmussen poll made over 4,000 headlines around the country.

Don't be complacent. Obviously, those of us who care about the future of the world should do everything in our power to prevent Manhattan's answer to Emilio Lizardo from taking over the US Government. He STILL could be elected.

But at the same time, keep your sanity by remembering that the mainstream media neeeeeeeds this to be a horserace until November because ratings.

And notice. Six minutes and eleven seconds on Morning Joe, without mentioning either swing states or the electoral college or Barack Obama on the campaign trail. Because if we talk about those things we will have to stop pretending Trump has a chance... so stay with us we'll be back right after these messages from Cialis and Embrel and Humira. People who watch Morning Joe regularly must take a hella lotta pills. I know I would.

And Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News? He has already written the script for election night. Trump will WIN in a LANDSLIDE. Just like President Romney:

So take note that any time a poll shows Hair Drumpf ahead by even a little, you can count on two things: the beltway press will make a huge deal out of it, and it will be from Fox or Rasmussen. Because in both cases, it feeds their business model.

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