Peter King: Women Will Vote For Trump If They're Worried About Their Kids Being Killed By Terrorists

I'm sure King was only talking about those scary Muslim terrorists, and not those Irish ones he loves so much.

I'm sure New York Rep. Peter King (R) was only talking about those scary Muslim terrorists, and not those Irish ones he loves so much. Here he is on this Sunday's Face the Nation explaining to host John Dickerson why he believes Republican women will come around and vote for Trump and ignore the mound of sexist remarks that have come out of his mouth over the last few decades.

DICKERSON: Do you think Donald Trump has an issue that he needs to fix with women voters?

KING: I think the issue is there, but again, I don't know if Hillary Clinton is the person to raise it. And also, Donald Trump is a very good spokesman. He's going to go out there and make his case in this, and if there are any particular issues with women, I'm sure he'll answer them.

But overall I think, listen, the average woman, especially an average man or an average woman, all Americans, or maybe particularly women, they're concerned about security.

I was talking to a woman yesterday. She has been active in Republican politics for years, and her view was, whether or not she likes or dislikes Donald Trump, she's concerned about her kids staying alive. She's concerned about security. She lives in New York. She saw 9-11 and she never wants to see that repeated again, and that's why she does believe that Donald Trump is the guy who'll have the guts to stand up and do what has to be done.

I just want him to fill in the details. But I think if he can show women and men, you know, but especially suburban mothers, that he is going to defend us and he's going to keep us strong, then that's what they are most concerned about, economics and the economy, jobs, but also security so their kids are not killed by terrorists.

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