RoJo Compares 2016 Election To 9/11 Attacks

No, really!

Over the past weekend, the Republican Party of Wisconsin had their state convention. One of the speakers at said convention, as the gentle reader might imagine, was the endangered Ron Johnson. RoJo is endangered because ever since they started polling for this fall's election, he has not come within ten points of his opponent, Russ Feingold.

As he is wont to do, RoJo did not fail to make an ass out of himself when he gave his speech, comparing the upcoming election to the 9/11 attacks:

Johnson, who is running for re-election against Democrat Russ Feingold, marveled at how passengers on United Flight 93 took a vote before storming the cabin to fight the hijackers on Sept. 11, 2001, forcing the plane to crash in a Pennsylvania field.

"We've all heard Todd Beamer's iconic words 'Let's roll,'" Johnson told about 1,000 party faithful. "How American is that? We have a job to do, let's roll up our shirt sleeves. Let's get it done."

He then compared the passengers' vote with the upcoming election.

"The reason I like telling that story now as we head into the election season is we all know what we need to do," Johnson said. "November 2016 we'll be taking a vote. We'll be encouraging our fellow citizens to take a vote. Now, it may not be life and death, like the vote passengers on United Flight 93 took, but boy is it consequential."

A reporter asked if RoJo's comparison meant that he was worried about his chances in November. RoJo denied it but then added that if Republicans can get energized, they could "save this Senate seat."

Gee, that sounds like RoJo knows he's in big trouble. If he was doing well, his seat wouldn't need to be "saved." It also reveals that Republicans are having a problem with their excitement gap.

But the biggest issue here is obviously that RoJo had no problem exploiting a national tragedy - and the loss of thousands of innocent lives - in order to play on people's emotions to get a few more votes. If nothing else does, this surely shows the depravity of RoJo's character (or lack thereof).

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