Samantha Bee Presents The Seattle Seawards

When five Seattle councillors, all women, voted against public money for a new sports arena downtown the hate poured in.

When five Seattle councillors, all women, voted against public money for a new sports arena downtown the hate poured in.

Source: Deadspin

The Seattle City Council voted 5-4 against selling a block of the city that would have made it possible for hedge fund manager Chris Hansen to move forward with plans for a new NBA arena. The majority that voted against the deal were all women. They got hate mail.

Publicly financed stadiums are a scam foisted upon taxpayers. Councilwomen Lisa Herbold, Debora Juarez, Sally Bagshaw, Lorena Gonzalez, and Kshama Sawant ruled in the best interests of the public, and caught heat for it because they stood in the way of Seattle’s path to a new NBA team. On last night’s show, Samantha Bee recognized the five women with a starting lineup and spotlighted the hate sent to them.

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