Scottie Nell Hughes Goes Off The Rails Defending Trump's 'Pocahontas' Insults

Yet another interview with a delusional, ranting woman defends Trump's insane hate rhetoric in a news show.

Another day, another Trump spokesperson goes on MSM defending his racist, sexist, xenophobic, hateful speech. So it's Friday.

In today's edition of "Crazy eyed women who support equally crazy Donald Trump" we find rabid Trump supporter Scottie Nell Hughes, maniacally defended Donald on CNN from criticisms that he crossed the line by calling Elizabeth Warren, Pocahontas! Fantastic.

In the past few months, Warren has unleashed a barrage of tweets that have clearly gotten under Trump's skin. In recent rallies he has taken to bashing her, even though she isn't even running against him. Damn those women for trying to be smarter than him when he knows the best words and has the biggest hands and the smartest people around him!

So Trump's attack has been to call her "Pocohontas" and question whether she is really part Native American. Just another conspiracy theory to add to the list of random stuff Trump has been throwing out there the last few weeks.

In this clip, Hughes puts on the widest smile possible when the subject of the insult is brought up. Literally, that the :09 second mark she is basically stifling a laugh.

When asked about whether it was offensive, specifically referencing a Native American reporter last night telling Trump "that's very offensive" Hughes responded with:

"HUGHES: what is offensive is someone who claims to be Native American in order that she can get a gig at Harvard. She lied.

BANFIELD: Is the name calling ok?

HUGHES; Well he is calling out the fact that she sat there and pretended for 10 years that she was Native America in order to gain a minority position at Harvard.

BANFIELD: We don't know that.

HUGHES: It has been proven time and time again.


BANFIELD: I think the issue is would a President say something like that? A commentator on CNN last night brought up another issue. That the word Pocohantos, when you are calling someone that name, is no different than calling someone who is African American Aunt Jemima, and that is absolutely unacceptable. What is out of bounds for Donald Trump in terms of getting back at someone for something he doesn't like?

(stupid grin on Hughes face)

HUGHES: Well, except for the fact that she is the one who lied about her position in the first place.

KOHN: (deep sigh and massive eye roll - me too, Sally)

(stupid grin on Hughes face)

HUGHES: If you call someone, she was the one, she was, uh uh, of Indian descent for someone reason nobody has told her...and then she goes against Trump. He is only referring to her based on what she called herself.

KOHN: I am sorry, but this is someone who is running to be the President of the United States of American whose job would be, among many other jobs he is clearly unqualified for, to have relationships, trusted relationships, respectful relationships with the Native American community itself, which by the way, we don't exactly have the prettiest history with. So it's one thing for him to, you know, this is Donald Trump, the bar is continually lowered. Call her a liar, but insulting names? You know, the larger issue here is how do you have someone who is running for President who when someone attacks them substantively on the substance of his policies...his response is insulting, base gutter sniping, personal attacks."

Insulting, base gutter sniping, and personal attacks. Trump's motto going forward, clearly.

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