McConnell Hopes Trump Will 'Stick To The Script'? Really?

McConnell knows Trump is an entertainer who used prepared text twice before and believes he could read a prepared speech if necessary.

Mitch McConnell knows that he can't usurp the will of his party's unhinged primary voters who selected Donald Trump as the GOP Presidential nominee. Once vehemently opposed to Trump, like so many other 'establishment' Republicans, McConnell has swallowed his medicine and has fallen in line.

This is the Majority Leader who encouraged Republican Senatorial candidates to run ads against Trump, just a few months ago. Several GOP leaders

drafted plans to overtake Mr. Trump in a brokered convention, and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election.

McConnell has obviously abandoned this train of thought and has hopped on board the Trump Train to Tyranny. He's now gently encouraging Speaker Paul Ryan to join him in party unity for the sake of SCOTUS. Mitch knows how important it is to replace Scalia with another fascist misogynist.

In Trump/McConnell's opinion, the list of far-right, religious zealots suggested by Donald Trump as potential high court nominees suits the Majority Leader just fine. Each one passed McConnell's Pro-Koch and anti-woman litmus tests with flying colors.

Click here for a list of those Trump has suggested for SCOTUS, and see how far women would regress under these religious sociopaths. Don't forget, a majority Right-leaning SCOTUS will also rule in favor of polluting industries and against EPA protections for the environment.

McConnell, when asked what, if anything, would he change about the presumptive nominee, said he would appreciate "a more studious approach." More specifically, McConnell wants him to limit his extemporaneous speaking engagements and 'stick to the script.'

Stick to the script? He really thinks a Narcissistic Personality Disorder poster child like Donald Trump will stick to the script?

The Senior Kentucky Senator seemed relieved when Trump actually did read a prepared speech, and he did so in two settings that are vital to GOP interests: The first was his speech at AIPAC where he pledged his undying love for Israel and condoned their practice of Apartheid against Palestinians. Secondly, he spoke in North Dakota on behalf of industries who look to profit when Donald Trump removes EPA protections and permits them to create limitless pollution without fines. It appears that McConnell views Trump as somewhat reasonable, but only when he sticks to the script prepared by McConnell's lobbyist friends.

Good luck with that, Mitch.

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