Carlson: 'What If Romney Said Be Proud Of Your Whiteness At BYU?'

There are so many levels of wrong here. The worst? Pretending there's never been racism in this country.

The Weekend 'Giggling Couch Tumors' with guest host, LDS royalty, Abby Huntsman, were compelled to mock President Obama's commencement speech at Howard University. In fact, Tucker Carlson himself called Howard U. 'the country's most august, famous and storied majority Black University,' and proceeded to denigrate the president on that very particular racial component.

It especially irked Trust Fund Carlson when President Obama said,

Be confident in your heritage. Be confident in your Blackness.

Carlson has been overtly racist plenty of times, all by himself. He whines about his own 'White Privilege' here. Seriously,Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, bow-tied, jumped-up wingnut man-baby with the 3rd most punchable smirk on teevee? This is the same man who thinks that Trump's racism isn't an issue, and is the first to level harsh critique of ANYONE who points out the racist behavior of Law Enforcement. Carlson thinks that he's the guy who's qualified to decide who can and can't say anything about Blackness?

Brace yourself for the denial of the blatantly in-your-face-racism of this country's history. More in particular, the sordid reality of Tucker's racist Republican Party is completely ignored and disregarded as fiction. He thinks that mentioning that a majority Black college's graduating class should be proud of their race, a race that has been under attack since way before our own government was borne, is uncalled for? Yep, he goes there.

CARLSON: See? This is divisive. If Mitt Romney had won and in the last year of his presidency went to BYU and said 'be confident in your Whiteness'...shouldn't people be thinking in terms of their American-ness? One good thing about Obama was that he was going to bring this country together and atone for its sins.

Chiming in with more self-righteous outrage over the blackness comment was Mormon princess, Abby Huntsman, who has left MSNBC's once sort of liberal, now utterly conservative channel and gone straight to the Dark Side of Fox 'News.' Lest Abby forget, the LDS Cult had to accept Blacks into the priesthood NOT because they saw the light and the divine way, but because President Carter threatened to rescind their TAX-EXEMPT STATUS!

HUNTSMAN: You also wonder how many other people in that crowd were White?

NO. SHE. DIDN'T! It gets worse. I just can't even with this crew.

Watch the clip if you can stomach the faux outrage.

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