Want To Flee America If Trump Gets Elected? A Dating Site Has You Covered

Many have stated publicly that they want to flee the US if Trump is elected, now they have help.

If the unspeakable happens and Hair Trump becomes President come November 2016, scores of American's have threatened to flee the country out of a combination of fear, shame and disgust. But where will you go? How will you acclimate to a more favorable country if you happen to not know the customs or language?

Many countries seem more desirable and accepting than living under Hair Trump. For example, North Korea, Iran, Puerto Rico. Really, anywhere not being run by the Hair Trump.

But most people are focusing their attention on the home of maple syrup, hockey and Mounties. Yes, Canada. Oh, and to make Canada even more appealing - have you seen any photos of their new and extremely liberal Prime Minster, Justin Trudeau? Sign me up!

Well, help is here, American friends! A new dating site called www.maplematch.com has sprung up just in time to assist you in securing that new relationship just in time to flee if the apocalypse happens and Hair Trump gets elected.

It's slogan, ironically, is "Make dating great again" which sounds much more needed than Hair Trump's ridiculous "Make America Great Again" slogan, mainly because (a) America IS already great and (b) dating is decidedly ungreat.

Maplematch was founded this year and it's CEO Joe Goldman says it offers “opportunities for like-minded Canadians and Americans to build meaningful relationships and escape the unfathomable horror of [a] Trump presidency." Yes, Joe, it would be an utter horror.

Goldman says that they haven't started officially matching people yet, but their site has seen an incredible uptick in subscribers and that interest is high. As the election gets closer, it will surely get more intense. He did note that they were not funded by an anti-Trump group.

Bookmark the site, folks.

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