What!? Trump Slams New Mexico's Republican Governor At Rally
What Presidential candidate does this? Donald Trump, that's who.
Doesn't any Republican in the world have the ability to rein in Donald Trump? What the actual freak is this guy doing heading up the party? The Washington Post is just a little bit TOTALLY FREAKING OUT OVER HERE. Emphasis added:
During a 65-minute speech in Albuquerque last night, Donald Trump laced into New Mexico Republican Gov. Susana Martinez. He blamed her for the state’s economic problems, for the growing number of food stamp recipients and for not doing more to reject Syrian refugees. The billionaire even mused about moving to the state to run for governor himself.
“She’s got to do a better job,” Trump told thousands of supporters, per Jenna Johnson. “She’s not doing the job. We’ve got to get her moving. Come on: Let’s go, governor.”
There is so much wrong in this but let's narrow it down to three things:
1. She's a Republican, Donald!
Reagan's Eleventh Commandment! Dude! Yeah, I know she hasn't endorsed you and she didn't show up to the rally, but dude! You don't go after Republican Governors, and PS, she's the head of the gotdamn Republican Governor's Conference! The group your buddy Chris Christie used to head. Maybe if you took Chris Christie's calls these days he could have told you dissing RGA's President isn't the done thing.
Oh, here's breakfast at Reince Priebus's house after he saw this clip.
Poor Reince Priebus's liver. Poor, poor liver.
Martinez has big problems and goes on and off the VP shortlist because her administration is not exactly squeaky clean. But Reagan's. Eleventh. Commandment. was born during Watergate for a reason, Donald. Learn it.
2. She's Hispanic!
You know how Republicans win the governorship in New Mexico, Donald? They run a Hispanic! She's also an accomplished prosecutor who has worked the Mexico border.
Yeah, she publicly thinks your wall idea is stupid. No love lost there, but again: think of Reince's liver.
Or think of your own chances of being elected President with a grand total of zero percent of the Hispanic vote. Because when you look down your nose at your paper and sniff that "she's not doing the job" everyone with any bad-boss experience gets what you mean by that. You are talking to her, big shot, like she's a hotel maid who forgot to put the "sanitized for your protection" wrapper on the toilet seat. Not cool. I won't even dignify your comment that you might run for Governor of New Mexico. White men can't jump, and they can't pull that shite in a Southwestern state.
3. She's a woman!
Your daughter says you treat all your female employees with respect, Donald. Did you forget that you are now the de facto head of the Republican Party? And Republican office holders are looking to you to lead them to victory in November?
Yes, yes you did.
Wapo comes right out and says Trump is "on track to get clobbered by women.":
Martinez is not just Hispanic; she’s also the first female governor of New Mexico. Tellingly, she was not the only target of Trump’s ire. Several other women were in his crosshairs, as well, and his language was quite gendered.
Trump called Hillary a “low-life” and then went on to imitate the way she talks, raising his voice to a high-pitched yell. “I will never say this but she screams and drives me crazy,” Trump said. “I can’t listen.”
He once again referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as “Pocahontas,” a reference to her claims of Native American heritage. “She is probably the senator that's doing just about the least in the United States Senate,” he said. “She's a total failure. She said she was an Indian. She said because her cheekbones were high, she was an Indian.”
The most offensive language, though, came from one of the warm-up speakers. David Chavez, a former state lawmaker, compared voting for Clinton because she's a woman to drinking bleach because it looks like water. “I've heard people say: I don't know who to choose: Trump or Hillary. Even Bill Clinton chose other women. So you should, too,” Chavez said. (Jenna, our reporter in the room, says the crowd laughed and applauded…)
I for one am glad Hillary isn't responding to these comments. Plenty of voters are.