WV State Sen Candidate Physically Beaten; 'Malicious Assult'
He's a military vet and the attack was clearly pre-meditated...

This is just terrifying. MSNBC:
West Virginia state Senate candidate Richard Ojeda was brutally beaten during a cookout Sunday — just two days before his primary — and nearly run over with a pickup truck, Ojeda told NBC News.
Jonathan Stuart Porter, 41, was in custody Sunday. State Trooper Zachary Holden told NBC News he was being held on suspicion of malicious assault, malicious attempted assault and felony destruction of property.
The candidate and his assailant have known each other since they were kids. What on earth would cause someone to beat a childhood friend in the head, now that they are running for office?
To Ojeda, however, it was clearly premeditated — and it was all about politics.
Citing what he described as the intense poverty, corruption and nepotism that plagues the region — and his campaign for transparency and good government — Ojeda said: “The moment you start asking questions, you become public enemy number one.”
“I’m challenging the powers that be,” he added.
Whatever the reason, it's just sickening. Ojeda's opponent has condemned this behavior, as well he should. This is not how civilized people do politics.