Zimmerman Gun Sale Hijacked By 'Racist McShootface'

Thank you, Internet.

The gun auction of the weapon that killed Trayvon Martin was resumed last night....

...and was hijacked by the internet. Good going. Gawker reports:

Yesterday, after George Zimmerman’s initial attempt to auction off the weapon he used to kill Trayvon Martin was foiled, a second auction site took up the cause. That auction has since been disrupted by the user “Racist McShootFace,” who placed a series of bids pushing the price up past $65 million.

It's unclear whether Racist McShootface based his name on the violent videogame Borderlands 2 and its suicidal Easter egg character Face McShooty, or if this is just a Boaty McBoatface derivative. Regardless, I gotta agree with Matt LaCasse:

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