Bill Maher: President Obama Should Go On An American Apology Tour

Bill Maher: Since President Obama is constantly being accused of going on an "apology tour," he should just go on one.

Real Time host Bill Maher with a suggestion for President Obama during his New Rules segment this Friday:

And, finally, New Rule, since President Obama is constantly being accused of going on an "apology tour," he should just go on one. For two reasons: it will drive Republicans nuts, especially if he wears the turbine, and more importantly, to a world that has been trembling over the prospect of us electing Donald Trump, it would be a great way to send a message. "America, we're back on our meds!"

I like it. We could call it the "President Obama Has Officially Run Out of F**ks to Give" Tour. Here's more on Maher's suggestions from The Washington Post:

Maher's idea for an Obama Apology Tour boils down to three things: 1) He's in the final months of his presidency, when anything goes, 2) Donald Trump is giving us plenty to apologize for, and 3) We have apologized for many of these things internally anyway.

Here's a list of the things Maher thinks Obama should apologize for, on behalf of America:

  • Vietnam
  • Mexico, for taking half its land "just because we could"
  • Iraq: "Our eternal drunken booty call"
  • All the countries where the U.S. toppled its leader and installed a more friendly one

And of course, Maher would like him to make some moves towards legalizing pot, and he would like for him to come on his show. We'll find out shortly if he takes any of Maher's advice before he leaves office.

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