Fat Shamer Renee Ellmers Lost Because Rape Is No Excuse For Abortion?

Renee Ellmers became the scapegoat for the pro-life movement after backing away from a controversial abortion bill, lost her seat as a consequence.

First, she called another woman fat. On video. A fellow politician. The victim of her fat shaming was former Harnett County Republican chair Maggie Sandrock. She approached her on election day and actually said, I kid you not:

You “gained some weight. You’re eating a little bit too much pork barbecue. Whoo!”

Tea Party whackadoodle who "needed HER paycheck" during the government shutdown, Renee Ellmers, lost the North Carolina primary. Badly. Oh, and the irony - she was the first candidate backed by Donald Trump. Apparently, his touch is not the Midas touch, although it is not known how much his stink tanked her campaign.

The irony of her fall from grace is a good story, though. See, Ellmers ticked off all the boxes of a good conservative: anti-mosque at Ground Zero in NY, anti Obamacare, pro-gun, totally cool with a government shut down as a temper tantrum, was fully supported by Sarah Palin ...

But, uh then she fell from grace.

What tanked her campaign was this: she pissed off those hateful forced birthers and they put a hit out on her campaign like no other.

Ironically Ellmers is pro-life and has a 100 percent rating on the National Right to Life Committee’s congressional scorecard per Right Wing Watch. But, she made a critical error last year when she helped a group of moderates derail a vote on a 20 week abortion ban to allow for an exemption for victims of rape. Uh oh. The prolifers went nuts.

No, really. Ellmers' decision to support exception language for RAPE victims made her their number one enemy.

Ellmers temporarily derailed the bill when she insisted on eliminating the law enforcement reporting requirement for rape victims to obtain an exemption to the ban on abortions after 20 weeks. At the time, she said that the law enforcement requirement would impose further harm on a rape victim and damage the party's standing among voters, who would oppose forcing a rape victim to go to law enforcement.

Let's not forget that this bill was unlikely to reach the Senate floor and certainly would be vetoed by the White House. This whole battle for language in abortion legislation is pure grandstanding for donor dollars on the part of anti-choice organizations. The forced birth lobby wanted a 20 week ban passed in the House on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade so they could brag about it. Ellmers muddied their narrative by discussing rape victims at their parade.

They set out to ruin her, first with National Right to Life sending an email to its members right before the election calling her a “pro-life traitor.” Yikes. Nothing turns a group of rabid forced birthers insane than hearing someone turned on them and is allowing crime victims to abort their rapist's spawn!

And the group's weren't even shy about the political hit job they put out on her. During an interview last week with The Pulse, Marjorie Dannenfelser from the Susan B. Anthony List said:

“Well, we brought her into the political process, and we intend to take her out.”

For a group that is all about life, they use awfully murder-y language, don't they?

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