Dana Loesch: Banning The AR-15 'Is A War On Women'
Hate Speech queen Dana Loesch pimps assault rifles because she's a shill for the death merchants.
The Kelly File featured the usual insane right wing ammosexual, in this case Dana Loesch, versus a reasonable person, Nomiki Konst, who has no chance combatting the nonsense that is flung her way.
Megyn Kelly opened this debate about assault rifles with some sound bites from Howard Stern's Show on Sirius XM. Loesch and Kelly are thrilled that he has similarly nonsensical views on preventing any restrictions on the kinds of guns that Americans can legally own.
Generally, Howard Stern has some funny moments on his show; personally, I love Richard and Sal's antics. Even in a political capacity, I find him reasonable. The big exception is his stance on mass gun proliferation. It's as if he's not hearing the whole argument, and wants everyone to have access to the most destructive weapons, not designed for civilian use.
If we curtail the legality and ease of acquisition of certain weapons, FEWER casualties would result from the psychotic intent of a crazed assassin. Somehow Howard is forgetting that unfortunate aspect and only considering the possible benefits of arming everyone, without thinking of the idiotic risks involved. Arming everyone in a club, especially one that has loud music, dim lighting and drinking, would present a whole assortment of new perils.
Naturally, the NRA-prostitutes at Fox News latch on to this opinion and pretend that reasonable liberals also want a dangerous, trigger-happy population. No one is more unreasonable than ammosexual Dana Loesch. Here's where gunsense-proponent, Naomi Konst, attempts to debate a woman with a very warped sense of reality. Via Media Matters:
MEGYN KELLY: We are short on time today, but Dana, why does the AR-15 and guns like that, why do those need to be out there?
DANA LOESCH: Well, the AR-15 is -- it's a .22. I mean, if you are actually going to do -- If fact, if I was actually going to go, and go after a bad guy in my house, I'm not gonna grab my AR-15. I'm gonna grab my shotgun, or I'm gonna grab my Glock, I'm gonna grab something a little bit, you know, little bit more serious.
NOMIKI KONST: So why have the killing machines?
LOESCH: Women, this is a war on women, because the AR-15 is the most popular rifle with women.
You're talking about disarming women.
KONST: Oh, come on, Dana. These talking points are ridiculous.
Of course they are ridiculous! What do you expect from an NRA shill like Loesch? After all she's the author of this 'book:' Hands Off My Gun. It's a book chock-full of Founding Fathers' quotes that conveniently omit the parts she doesn't like because it doesn't benefit her ammosexual handlers' profit margins.
"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington
Actual Quote:
"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies."
That's only one of many examples of the lies she publishes as fact. Ridiculous.
UPDATE: Oh look, team evil pays again. Dana Loesch has been hired by the NRA.
In my temporary moment of unforgivable rage, I unfairly addressed a radio guest-hosting show by the gunsense-advocate, Nomiki Konst. The now redacted update lent nothing to the original piece and only detracted from the obvious contrast between Loesch and Konst.
Fearing any disunity in our Democratic side could lead to a Trump victory, I placed my anger in an inappropriate and unjust place. My apologies to all and Nomiki especially.