DHS Secretary Johnson Eviscerates Grandstanding Ted Cruz

Tailgunner Ted Cruz is obsessed with the Islamic Extremism label, as if that will make the fight against terror more winnable.

For about a second, I forgot how loathsome and ethically-bankrupt Sen. Ted Cruz was, since his brand of grotesque proselytizing has been mercifully overshadowed by the nonstop media coverage of the Orange Disgrace. Tailgunner Ted posted a video of an interaction between himself and Dept. Of Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson over the minutiae of labeling terrorism the way the GOP demands.

Cruz's deranged mind is either purely evil or filled with delusions where the truth is neither desirable nor relevant. He believes that the reason we've had some terrorist-like incidents in the last few years is a result of the Obama Administration failing to use his rigid guidelines for proper terrorist terminology: Radical Islamic Extremism/Terrorism.

It's not the unpredictable nature of the act of 'terrorism,' nope, no way. It's because those Obama imposters refuse to label the alleged episodes of terrorism the way he and his Christian Fundamentalist hate mongers prefer.

Secretary Johnson handled Rafael Jr.'s ignominious drivel with a familiar style, emulating the grace and poise President Obama displayed while speaking to Parliament in Ottawa yesterday. Yet, Cruz incorrectly entitles the episode Cruz Questions DHS Sec. Johnson on Admin’s Willful Blindness to Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Here are a few of Cruz's blatantly dishonest remarks. This first set dwells on the absence of the magic words and picks up after several similar mentions of the omission.

CRUZ: The National Intelligence strategy in 2014 uses the word 0 times. We also heard testimony from a former employee (and whistleblower) of the Department of Homeland Security, Phil Haney, that in October 2009, more than 800 Customs and Border Patrol documents were ordered modified, scrubbed, or deleted to remove references to Jihad or the Muslim Brotherhood or other similar references.

It was pretty amusing that Johnson replied to his Phil Haney (a Fox 'News' contributing hysteric) namedropping with such simplistic brilliance:

JOHNSON: I have no idea, I don't know who Mr. Haney is. I wouldn't know if he walked in the room.

This final dose of Ted Cruz-Ipecac is just too myopic to believe, because it willfully omits the roughly 60 or so casualties incurred in American Embassies all over the world during the Bush years. Funny how not one of those tragedies resulted in a single Congressional Hearing. Isn't that vierd?

CRUZ: What concerns me, and I believe should concern the Department of Homeland Security, is that because of this effort at scrubbing your law enforcement materials of any acknowledgement of radical Islamic terrorism; when you see the red flags of radical Islamic terrorism, you do not follow up on them effectively. And we have terrorist attack, after
terrorist attack, after terrorist attack that could have been prevented, but for this administration's willful blindness

The final beatdown is delivered by Johnson's honest defense of the efforts of his department's personnel and the plethora of foiled plots we never even realize existed. I'm sure that I'd prefer that we don't know what our fellow citizens are up to, no matter what they look like.

JOHNSON: Every day I see people connecting the dots across our law enforcement Homeland Security intelligence communities. Are there lessons learned? Could we do a better job? The answer is probably yes, but every day I see this happening and I think we are doing a better job and I think that our people are smart enough to identify potential terrorist behavior. Whether you call it Islamic or extremist or anything else, I think the labels frankly are less important except where we need to build bridges to American Muslim communities and not vilify them so that they will help us help them.

That is my answer to your question sir.

The only thing missing was what we've been longing to see from the President's 'giving zero f*#ks tour' : a mic drop. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea for the rest of his term, he and every member of his team needs to keep a microphone handy, any time they have a public interaction with a lying Republican.

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