Elizabeth Warren Eviscerates Trump, Calling Him 'A Loud, Nasty, Thin Skinned Fraud'

Warren gives another stellar speech, tearing apart Donald Trump, at the ACS conference today.

Donald Trump is probably sitting at his desk, furiously pecking out another angry tweet after listening to Elizabeth Warren's withering speech. As always, she came out, guns blaring, slamming him for his racist rhetoric, his insane rants about Judge Curiel and labeled him completely unqualified to be President.

One of the best segments was when she said:

"Even disqualifying Judges based on their professional background isn't enough for Donald Trump. Trump tells everyone who will listen that he is a great businessman, but let's be honest...he is just a guy who inherited a fortune and kept it rolling along by cheating people.


And you know, when that is your business model, sooner or later you are going to run into legal trouble. And Donald Trump has run into a lot of legal trouble. Ah yes, Trump University, which his own former employees refer to as 'one big fraudulent scheme'..."

We are eagerly awaiting Trump's response, pecked out in 140 characters or less, lots of exclamation points, probably including the words "Pocahontas" and "sad!"

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