SEXIST: Fox Pundits Mock Clinton And Warren For Wearing Blue At The Same Time

Totally ignoring the incredible accomplishments of Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, Fox News focuses on appearances.

When you have two seriously brilliant and accomplished politicans on a stage, what do you expect people to talk about? Their education. Probably their career track. Definitely their aspirations. Maybe mention a scandal or two. And let's add in some comments about their spouses/children.

That would be if the candidates were men. If they are women, the first thing you talk about is - their clothes. Yes, folks. Even in 2016, with a record number of women holding office and the first female Presidential nominee, Fox News, home of the most brilliant political minds, the focus always goes to looks.

Here is a lovely exchange from today, where instead of focusing on actual substantive issues, they drift right to appearances.

TRISH REGAN (HOST): Democratic Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, taking a swipe at Trump today while stumping with Hillary Clinton in the swing-state of Ohio. The darling of the Progressive wing, she is said to be on Clinton's list of potential VP picks. Former Democratic pollster Pat Caddell joins us right now. Pat, does that help or does that hurt Hillary Clinton if Elizabeth is the running mate?

PAT CADDELL: Well, a complicated -- it's an interesting question. But I have to comment first of all on the coordination -- I mean, on the Bobbsey Twin outfits. This is not good. Men don’t have to do this. But so if they ran they literally would have to have daily coordination --

REGAN: Well you know, now that you bring it up, I kind of wonder, right?

CADDELL: Somebody should have said wait a minute.

REGAN: Don’t they have something in the car that they could change into?

CADDELL: Yes, they do.

REGAN: Elizabeth Warren could have probably said, you know, I'll wear red today.

CADDELL: But somebody didn’t do [inaudible] because it makes a difference. So anyway, I’m not saying -- I don't mean to be sexist.

This reminds me of all the focus on Hillary's haircuts back in when she was First Lady...and in fact, Page Six reported just last July how "Hillary Clinton put part of Bergdorf Goodman on lockdown on Friday to get a $600 haircut at the swanky John Barrett Salon" like this is breaking news.

How about we focus on Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton's careers. For example:

Hillary Clinton has served as Secretary of State, New York Senator, First Lady of the United States, First Lady of Arkansas, a practicing lawyer and law professor, activist, and volunteer.

Elizabeth Warren is a senior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, was a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law and helped establish the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Warren also served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee TARP program.

But you know, let's talk about their suits.

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