Uncle Ruckus's Praise Police Boycott Of Beyoncé On Fox 'News'

Sheriff Clarke will allow Beyoncé a reset with law enforcement. How benevolent of him!

Thanks to the never-ending supply of sell-out, Uncle Ruckus law enforcement officers Fox 'News' keeps on the payroll, the viewers are bamboozled into believing that the two men represent all African-Americans accurately. Both Rod Wheeler and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke appeared on Fox Business Channel's Mornings with Maria to discuss the controversy surrounding Beyoncé's Pittsburgh Concert.

Rod Wheeler, hater of NWA's Straight Outta Compton movie, and tasteless mimic of Asians, says some pretty inflammatory things about the pop diva.

Look what she did at her halftime show at the Superbowl; she gave the police the finger then and she's continuing to do it.

I don't blame the Pittsburgh police officers for backing out, I'd back out too.

She's taken this whole Boycott Beyoncé thing turned it around and she's doing exactly what she does best. She's selling these t-shirts and from what I hear, these t-shirts are selling out.

The irony escapes Wheeler with regards to his last comment, otherwise he would avoid the phrase selling-out, given his capitulation to the racist Fox 'News' Organization.

Sheriff David Clarke has a moment of clarity when he expresses the general need for a police presence at any large concert, for obvious reasons.

That reason is short lived, and his hubris is unmistakable as he commands Beyoncé to donate to law enforcement charities, and then tells her how she should apologize correctly. Clarke assumes her and Jay Z's generous $1.5 million donation to Black Lives Matter automatically means she harbors ill-will towards all cops. This is not surprising with his previous assertion about the movement. Clarke believes that BLM is just a way for the Democrat Party [sic] to 'whore for votes.'

For some ungodly reason, Bartiromo allows Mike Huckabee to give his totally irrelevant and ridiculous take on the matter. First he says that he'd prefer either one of these two Fox law enforcement experts in the middle of the night to Beyoncé, if he were confronted by an intruder. Ummm, Duh?

Then, Captain Obvious says, 'Beyoncé doesn't put her life on the line for anybody.' That's his reason for denying her police protection from all the obvious dangers associated with a large concert? I had no idea entertainers must also double as police or soldiers as a prerequisite for police to do their job, or is this another example of targeting Black people again?

If you're not horrified enough by the convoluted views of Bartiromo's panel, take a look at a few of the comments that followed the story on FOXNATION.

Credit: Foxnation

The superstar explained her Formation video very clearly and no law enforcement should be offended if they took the time to read her statement.

"But anyone who perceives my message as anti-police is completely mistaken. I have so much admiration and respect for officers and the families of the officers who sacrifice themselves to keeps us safe. But let's be clear: I am against police brutality and injustice. Those are two separate things. If celebrating my roots and culture during Black History Month made anyone uncomfortable, those feelings were there long before a video and long before me. I'm proud of what we created and I'm proud to be part of a conversation that is pushing things forward in a positive way."

Beyoncé, a benefactor of Black Lives Matter, is maligned by right-wing loons even though she harbors no ill-will towards towards the majority of police officers. But since she's anti-police brutality, that translates in Fox-English, to anti-police. Q.E.D. once again Fox 'News.'

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