George Will Announces He Is Going Unaffiliated Because 'This Is Not My Party'
George Will defects to the dark side and denounces his GOP roots because Trump is just so awful.
Let the GOP party defections continue! Just a few days ago, conservative commentator George Will announced that he changed his voter registration to...unaffiliated! Yikes. He told the crowd at a Federalist Society lunch in Washington, DC:
"This is not my party."
Well, it is, George. It isn't like Donald Trump just *happened* and took over the GOP. This was a slow process, decades of racism, sexism, nativism that eventually boiled over. Trump is the Frankenstein of the party, embodying everything negative about the party with nothing positive (if there IS anything positive).
So now they are all dumbfounded, shocked, befuddled that this has happened to their "polite, let's keep racism behind closed door" party of Lincoln and Reagan. Now they have a racist standing at podiums, tweeting and flat out saying he is going to deport/block entry to entire groups of people purely because of their heritage or religion.
On today's edition of Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace had George Will on and this is what he had to say about the state of his party:
CHRIS WALLACE (HOST): Before we get to Britain leaving the EU, George, I want to talk about you. You announced this week that you have left the Republican Party. Why?
GEORGE WILL: I left it for the same reason I joined it in 1964 when I voted for Barry Goldwater. I joined it because I was a conservative. I leave for the same reason, that I'm a conservative. To give you a time line, shortly after Trump became the presumptive nominee, he had a summit meeting with Paul Ryan where they stressed their common principles and their vast shared ground, which is much more important than their differences. I thought that was puzzling doubly so because Paul Ryan still didn't endorse him. After Trump went after the Mexican judge from Northern Indiana, then Paul Ryan endorsed him. And I decided that, in fact, this is not my party anymore. I changed my registration to unaffiliated 23 days ago. I hardly made an announcement. I've just mentioned this in a meeting with the Federalist Society. So the long and the short of it is, as Ronald Reagan said when he changed his registration, I did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.
WALLACE: Now, not surprisingly, Donald Trump has tweeted his reaction to this news today. Let's put it up on the screen. He says you are overrated and that you lost your way a long time ago. Would you like to respond to Mr. Trump?
WILL: He has an advantage on me, because he can say everything he knows about any subject in 140 characters and I can't.
You built that, George. You can run away now, but he is your GOP Frankenstein monster.