Unhinged Gunsplaining GOPer Defends AR-15 Giveaway

A known EPA waste dumper is gunsplaining why the AR-15 should be more prevalent. How nice.

Republicans love to flaunt their insensitivity, and it's far too often at the expense of the safety of their own constituents. The number of AR-15 or similar assault-style rifles that are given away as a lure to campaign fundraisers is not only grotesque, it sometimes capitalizes on a recent tragedy carried out by a similar instrument of killing.

Tennessee Republican and pig excrement dumper, Representative Andy Holt, decided that two days after the Pulse Nightclub massacre, he'd hold a fundraiser and lure his constituents in with not one, but TWO AR-15s to give away. Apparently, 500 people showed up, who believe, like Holt, that assault rifles are just another brand of gun, perfectly okay for civilian use.

In case you're not convinced that Mr. Holt is a special kind of gun loon, he was the first of the Y'all Qaedas to lend his support to the Malheur moron brigade.

Holt appeared on Alan Colmes weekly Versus segment. He argued for the legalization of assault rifles in restaurants and bars, provided the gun owner isn't 'partaking in alcohol,' and defended his giveaway of the weapons of mass murder. Alan made the mistake of saying AR-15 when describing the weapon used by the Orlando murderer. Of course, Holt quickly gunsplained that it wasn't that weapon, but another one entirely.

COLMES: For fundraisers, you're giving away what, 2 AR-15's. Do you think that might be considered insensitive in the wake of what happened in Orlando?

HOLT: I absolutely do not, except in light that it was not the AR-15 that was used there; but not to split hairs.

COLMES: Similar...Similar gun, similar gun

HOLT: It's really not similar, but our event was planned long before those events in Orlando.

He had to get that in there again that the MCX model used is not similar to the assault rifles he's given away, because they are not made by the same death merchants. Of course, that was completely besides the point. The fact he didn't cancel the event or at least suspend the giveaway was unforgivable. It's not as if the media didn't devote enough nonstop airtime to covering the massacre, yet Mr. Holt couldn't get the word out that his event could at least be postponed or better yet, cancelled. But he chose to carry on, relishing in his self-defense and bastardization of the re-defined Second Amendment argument to capitalize on the tragedy. Typical Republican.

He brags that the 'liberal media' is helping him raise MORE money, and he appreciates that, and says so in the most smug tone possible. He also believes that the AR-15 is not militaristic because only a fully automatic weapon could be considered thusly. It doesn't matter that the inventor of the gun never intended for civilian use of this weapon, at least not to Holt and his sycophantic, irrational gun nuts. Here's why this lunatic thinks the weapon is scary, and it's not because people know what it can do, it's because of its appearance. It's beyond disgusting.

Gee, let's throw in some dog whistles, because this whole tragic Orlando thing didn't display enough racism towards Black people. So Holt decides to rationalize his aforementioned black and scary claim with an even worse analogy. He told The Tennessean:

If I beat somebody to death with a hammer that’s just a hammer," Holt continued. "But if I was to take and wrap it up in electrical tape and make it black, I guess that would make it an assault hammer.


COLMES: Why would you need a gun of that nature for anything other than military purposes?

HOLT: You could use it for target shoot, you could use it to hunt (perhaps a stampede is heading your way?), you could use it for other sporting activities, you could use it for self-defense...

Colmes reminds him that the Assault Weapons ban that was enacted after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan was effective. Statistics state that this is a fact, but Holt likes his facts revamped by the NRA, who obviously owns him completely.

The character Tackleberry of Police Academy fame was just a predictive portrayal of today's NRA-owned Republican Party. Only difference, Tackleberry was likable, and fictional. The Andy Holts of the world are, unfortunately, very real.

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