Irony: Trump Whines As PGA Moves His Golf Tournament To Mexico
Trump's golf course lost out on hosting a PGA golf tournament as it is relocated to, of all places, Mexico.
Hair Trumpf's racist views are starting to catch up with him. This week it was announced that the PGA has decided to relocate it's Cadillac World Golf Championship from his golf course in Miami, FL to Mexico, of all places. Yes, hitting Trumpf where it hurts - going right across the border, where "The Wall" is supposed to go to keep all the rapists and murderers out. Apparently the PGA isn't worried. And I'm sure Mexico is laughing all the way to the bank.
CNN reports that PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem said the decision to move to Mexico was purely financial and not related to Trumpf's racist views.
Finchem said:
"Some of the reaction revolves around the feeling that this is political exercise, and it is not that in any way, shape or form. The decision here was based on the reality that we are not able to secure sponsorship for next year's WGC at Doral or for years out for that matter."
Trouble getting sponsors? Could that be *partly* due to Trumpf's divisive policies and the taint they leave on any companies that align themselves with him? Ya think?
Trump said the following upon hearing the news:
"They're moving it to Mexico City -- which, by the way, I hope they have kidnapping insurance. But they're moving it to Mexico City. And I'm saying, you know, what's going on here? It's so sad when you look what's going on with our country."
Kidnapping insurance? Leave it to Drumpf to react like a bigoted jerk.