Katrina Pierson Whines That The Media Is Treating Her Boss Unfairly

Trump spokesperson continues to push the false narrative that the MSM is biased against her boss, Cheeto faced Trump.

Katrina Pierson went on Fox News today to whine about how mean the media is to her boss, Donald "tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon" Trump. Waa waa.

Kurtz: Trump says he has been 'brutalized' by the coverage, he used that word, but surely you'd agree that firing your campaign manager and raising only $3 million dollars in the month of May is very fair game?

Pierson: Well, it would be fair game for scrutiny if they were reporting in its accurate context. I mean, with regards to Corey Lewandowski, Mr. Trump himself said that he just wanted to go in a different direction. This was a business decision, not a political one.

Kurtz: I see...

Sure thing, Katrina. You tell yourself that.

About media bias and Trump's tactic to get around their fact checking:

Pierson: Mr. Trump has already stated that he's gonna have to continue bypass the media and to take his message to the public...

Kurtz: You say Trump may have to, in many ways, bypass the media, but he is still doing a lot of interviews with newspapers and television, so he is continuing what he did in the primaries, which is also to engage the media. You aren't suggesting that is going to change?

Pierson: Oh. absolutely not.

But wait, that is exactly what you said one sentence before? Kurtz didn't call her on that.

It is the typical Trump con job. Back and forth, lies moving so fast out of her mouth that you can see the tension in her face...after every lie she swallows hard and purses her lips. These are subconscious tells that someone knows they are lying and literally forcing the words out.

Keep it up, Katrina. You sold your soul to the devil. After those pesky shoplifting charges, she should be happy to have a job that pays her enough to afford those bullet necklaces..

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