Marco Rubio Whines And Splunges: 'I Warned You This Would Happen'

Marco is a big whiner.

This is pathetic.

In the whiniest interview this year and possibly this decade, Marco Rubio tells a reporter that "I warned you this would happen" in the event that Donald Trump won the nomination.

"I ran for President. I wanted a different outcome."

But you never took a principled stand for immigration reform, Marco. And you weren't intellectually quick enough to have anything but canned responses for your debate performances. And Trump won, and now you are forced by what you are calling your "binding pledge" to support this guy. We call that splunging, Marco. You're full of splunge.

And now Rubio has told The Weekly Standard (yes that link goes to Bill Kristol's website) that while he doesn't trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes, he is still endorsing him for President of the United States.

Rubio also declined to discuss the specific reasons why Hillary Clinton is such a threat that he decided to back Trump despite believing the Republican nominee is temperamentally unfit to have access to America's nuclear weapons arsenal. "I just don't have anything new to add to the campaign. When I'm here in the Capitol I'm trying to focus on my work," Rubio said. "Now I'm focused on [things] like Zika. Write a story on Zika."

Really, Marco Rubio would rather the media cover the story that the Republicans are blocking government action on a rapidly spreading dangerous infectious disease than ask him about Donald Trump's tiny fingers on the nuclear button.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican Party.

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