'New Rules' Contrasts Former Candidates With Trump's Lowest Bar

That bar is already subterranean, and there's still 4½ months to go.

CAUTION: As usual, there's NSFW language on Real Time.

This week's New Rules contrasts Trump's insanely offensive gaffes with candidates from the past thirty years or so and their faux pas that were once considered campaign killers.

Maher introduces this final New Rule:

Now that the Trump phenomenon seems to have peaked, Americans must ask themselves why? Why, for so long, was there one set of rules for everyone who's ever run for president and then suddenly a completely new set for this Donald Trump person? Because when it comes to lowering the bar; he really raised the bar!

It's been a year and a day since Donald Trump descended on an escalator to announce he was running for president, and since that, he's just kept on descending.

Indeed, the fetus-fingered embarrassment, and coward of hand-to-hand combat, Donald Trump, really has reached unfathomable lows when it comes to offending pretty much everyone, except the 'poorly educated.'

- Dan Quayle's misspelling of potato, where he added a letter 'e' at the end...

- The interview with Katie Couric: where Snow Snookie could not name one news source or publication that she regularly reads.

- A presidential debate with Al Gore, captured on an open mic, sighing! At the time, it was all the media could discuss.

- President Bush 41 looking at his watch during a 1992 debate, which was considered just plain rude.

- Ross Perot calling African-Americans 'you people' and Virginia's George Allen, who called a mixed race person a Macaca, as Maher says, 'whatever the fck that is.'

Seriously, there's no comparison of former candidate's fatal gaffes to Trumpisms. Their gaffes wouldn't be considered mistakes. Quite the contrary, they would be a rare moment when The Talking Yam is behaving.

Maher announced that he will be doing special shows during both RNC and DNC Conventions as well. I'm sure there will be no shortage of comedic material, in Cleveland at least.

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