RoJo Forgets He's A US Senator

RoJo's ridiculous ad

Ron Johnson, Our Dumb Senator from Wisconsin, just came out with his first TV ad this week. About the only thing that was honest in it was when he said, "i'm Ron Johnson."

In the ad, RoJo makes the statement:

Career politicians manufacture hogwash. I manufacture plastic.

He also claims that he has been creating jobs for 37 years in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

RoJo apparently forgot that he's been a US Senator for the past six years. In fact, he became a denizen of Washington, D.C., so fast that within a year after being elected, he bought a million dollar plus house in DC.

RoJo also apparently forgot that he also doesn't make plastic anymore. Shortly after being elected, he gave up the business - after giving himself a $10 million severance package to pay himself back the money he spent on his campaign.

And even before he left the company for the rich cats in DC, he didn't really own the company. He married into it. His father-in-law created the company and put him in charge after he married the boss' daughter.

Also in the ad, RoJo talks about how some companies are shipping jobs overseas while he was keeping them right here. Apparently, the poor absent-minded fool forgot that his investment portfolio is a majority of foreign companies and has praised the economic environment in China, where they pay workers pennies a day.

RoJo is a Republican, so it comes naturally that he would lie. And since he is a Republican losing his ass in the polls to Russ Feingold, it's only natural that the lies are coming in so frequently and on such a large scale.

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