Samantha Bee On GOP Racism And Trump
You need to talk about Kevin!
When Crazy Uncle Liberty tries to tell you that Democrats in the 1950's were racists, show them this funny six minute video.
Also a perfect use of Breaking Bad as an analogy.
Samantha Bee points out what, amazingly and you won't believe it, even Jennifer Rubin says in The Washington Post: It's Republican Voters who are the problem.
“Trump isn’t desecrating the Republican Party, he’s just peeling back the glossy exterior to reveal the hideous symbiot that’s been lurking there for decades.”
She makes it very clear, even flashing text on the screen "most Republicans are not racists."
But just like Walter White in “Breaking Bad“ the GOP uses white supremacists to expand their success...until the racists took over.
“So GOP, the time has come to decide, do you want that beast living in your house or not?”