Sen. Bob Corker Calls Trump's Scottish Presser 'One Of His Best Events'

Apparently it doesn't take much to impress Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker.

Apparently it doesn't take much to impress Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker. The Republican Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was asked to weigh in on the Brexit vote and Donald Trump's disaster of a press conference the other day, where he was more concerned with pimping his golf course than actually weighing in on the biggest economic news in years.

After first being critical of President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron and their decision to weigh in at all on the matter, here's how Corker responded on CNN's State of the Union this Sunday when asked about his buddy Drumpf's presser:

TAPPER: The Clinton campaign says that's the exact wrong reaction for an American leader. They say he's putting his own pocketbook first, and leaders have to actually put -- they actually have put these remarks in a new television ad -- and leaders have to take the position of more broadly looking at voters and people.

What did you think of that comment?

CORKER: You know, I was able to see this event live, which is unusual.

I thought it was one of his best events. I'm sorry. I know I'm an outlier, based on polling that I have seen you do. But I thought it was one of his best events. I mean, here he was, as a businessperson, an outsider. He happened to be in the country when the -- right after the Brexit vote had taken place, supporting his children, and demonstrating that he was an outsider.

So, I thought his answers -- I know he began talking about the development itself. He knew reporters were going to ask him about Brexit. I thought it was one of his best events. And I didn't take it that he was -- he was giving an example which is obvious, that when the currency fluctuates, as it does, I mean, more Americans are going to be able to travel to the U.K. more cheaply.

Some of their exports may go at greater value. I thought it was just demonstrating, you know, an anecdotal statement relative to its effect. So, again, I thought it was one of his better events.

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