Sunday Morning Bobblehead Thread
Let's see who's spinning the news this week.
They allowed a smattering of liberals on the bobblehead shows this weekend, but otherwise it looks like your typical Sunday where the political talk shows are once again dominated by Republicans, right wing pundits and beltway both-siderists.
We'll see if the questions start getting any tougher for Hair Drumpf this week now that the press has finally started asking him questions about his con designed to separate gullible people from their pocketbooks, a.k.a. Trump University, but with this bunch, I'm not holding my breath.
Here's this week's lineup courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel (check your local listings for stations and times in your area):
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talks to ABC's "This Week" at 10 a.m. on WFTV-Channel 9. Other guests are Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.; New York Times columnist Paul Krugman; and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. The panel will be Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, ABC News' Matthew Dowd, Republican strategist Sara Fagen and Roland Martin, host and managing editor of TV One's "News One Now."
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump talks to CBS' "Face the Nation" at 10:30 a.m. on WKMG-Channel 6. David Axelrod, CNN commentator and former Obama adviser, is another guest. The program offers new poll results on California and New Jersey. The panel will be Amy Walter of The Cook Political Report, Dan Balz of The Washington Post, Susan Page of USA Today and Reihan Salam of National Review Institute.
Trump, Clinton and presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are guests on CNN's "State of the Union" at 9 a.m. and noon.
NBC's "Meet the Press" pays tribute to Muhammad Ali with guests Bob Costas of NBC Sports and Bryant Gumbel of HBO's "Real Sports. Special note: The program airs at 8 a.m. Sunday on WESH-Channel 2. Other guests are Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party; and former Gov. Martin O'Malley, D-Md. The panel will be Andrea Mitchell of NBC, Ron Fournier of National Journal, Rep. Donna Edwards, D-Md., and Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institute and former adviser to Romney 2012 and Rubio 2016 campaigns.
John Podesta, chair of Hillary for America Campaign, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are guests on "Fox News Sunday" at 10 a.m. on WOFL-Channel 35. The panel will be Brit Hume, Karl Rove, and Charles Lane and Anne Gearan, both of The Washington Post.
Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and Rep. Luke Messer, R-Ind., are guests on "Sunday Morning Futures" at 10 a.m. on Fox News Channel. Oscar Munoz, CEO of United Airlines, is another guest. The panel will be GOP strategist Ed Rollins, Mary Kissel of The Wall Street Journal and former Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass.
Libertarian candidate Johnson is a guest on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Other guests are Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations; Ruchir Sharma, author of "The Rise & Fall of Nations"; and Nathan Blecharczyk, co-founder and CTO of Airbnb.
Joe Concha of Mediaite and radio host Laura Ingraham are guests on "MediaBuzz" at 11 a.m. on Fox News Channel. Other guests ares conservative commentator Gayle Trotter, Heidi Przybyla of USA Today, Molly Ball of The Atlantic and Margaret Sullivan of The Washington Post.
The panel on "Inside Politics," at 8 a.m. on CNN, will be Jonathan Martin of The New York Times, Molly Ball of The Atlantic, Jackie Kucinich of The Daily Beast and Manu Raju of CNN.
Michael Wolff of The Hollywood Reporter will be on "Reliable Sources" at 11 a.m. on CNN. His topic: "Donald Trump actually loves the media." Other guests are Brian Fallon, press secretary of Hillary for America, and Cenk Uygur, host of "The Young Turks." The panel will be Katrina Vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation magazine; Elizabeth Harrington, staff writer of The Washington Free Beacon; and David Zurawik, media critic of The Baltimore Sun.