Twitter Hammers Trump Adviser Sarah Huckabee Sanders Over 'Train Wreck' Interview On CNN
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a senior adviser to presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, predicted on Monday that "Latinos will eventually come on board" and vote for the GOP candidate despite his attacks on an Hispanic judge and his promise to build a wall on the U.S. border.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a senior adviser to presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, predicted on Monday that "Latinos will eventually come on board" and vote for the GOP candidate despite his attacks on an Hispanic judge and his promise to build a wall on the U.S. border.
During an interview on CNN's New Day, host Brooke Baldwin pointed out to Sanders that Trump's attacks on U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel were "just wrong" because the judge was an American citizen.
"Isn't it time he apologizes?" Baldwin asked.
However, Sanders refused to answer the question, insisting that the case against Trump University was a legal issue "and the campaign is not authorized to speak on that matter."
Baldwin reminded Sanders that attack ads against Trump had made his views on the judge a campaign issue.
"The real issue here is we can't have open borders," Sanders said. "If we have open borders, we don't have a country."
"But, Sarah, he keeps talking about this judge's heritage," the CNN host interrupted. "You need the Latino vote in November. You know I don't have to tell you that."
"And I think that a lot of the Latinos will eventually come on board and support Donald Trump," Sanders replied. "Because at the end of the day, I think there are a lot of things they care about. And that's the economy and that's national security. And those are things that Americans trust Donald Trump on infinitely more than they trust Hillary Clinton."
Viewers swiftly lashed out at Sanders' comments on Twitter.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn't have an ounce of integrity in her entire body. Disgraceful. #NewDay
— Tobie Michele (@Jedami) June 6, 2016
@SarahHuckabee Shame on you, Sarah, for turning your back on your faith, your conscience, and your moral high ground.
— k knew (@suntvknew) June 6, 2016
@NewDay Sarah Huckabee Sanders should truly be ashamed. What an absolute joke.
Shame on her. #shame— Kimberly Callaghan (@KCally) June 6, 2016
@BrookeBCNN You tried w/ @SarahHuckabee, Brooke! Preacher's daughters always the worst people! And to defend a #racist Trump Is appalling!
— Tommy Garrett (@LightfootInHwd) June 6, 2016
@NewDay ..Sarah Huckabee Sanders just sat there straight faced making an absolute fool of herself. Really... did she really just say that?
— Kimberly Callaghan (@KCally) June 6, 2016
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an asshole. Trump isn’t keeping anyone safe the man flip flops like my flip flops shoes. SMH .@NewDay
— Dez (@dezlsmith) June 6, 2016
Curious how many Latinos @SarahHuckabee knows because I'm Mexican and do not know a single Mexican who would consider Trump #talkinghead
— Anthony Corona (@AnthonySCorona) June 6, 2016
.@SarahHuckabee continues to excuse #RacistTrump disgraceful!
— Sherrie (@1DaytATime) June 6, 2016
@SarahHuckabee does not condemn Trump's racist statements. Slimy sellout with no decency, morals. Pathetic!
— Mark Russell (@MarkusJRussell) June 6, 2016
I'm trying to slog through this @cnn interview with Sarah Huckabee...what a train wreck.
— ((Remember Scalia))) (@Mattfobrien) June 6, 2016