Trump Campaign Wants America To Believe Scotland Trip Was A Success
Trump calls new ABC poll a 'dirty poll.'
The viewers of Fox 'News' must believe that their Republican Party is still doing just great or they might think something's up. Since they don't decide for themselves, Fox's infotainment will exist in perpetuity with a certain demographic who relies on propaganda shoved down their throats to form their belief system. So how do you sell the Trump product after a disastrous week filled with 'mistakes' as Mitch McConnell would say? Blame the polls and pretend none of those gaffes ever happened.
Martha MacCallum tries to play off Trump's clueless assessment of the Brexit vote's implications by explaining that the U.S. just hasn't caught the fever of Nationalism, yet.
...there's a bigger nationalist movement in the Western world but that message is not translating to the polls here at home, at least not yet.
So any day now, despite the $trillions the Brexit costs all the world's markets, people will realize that nationalism and xenophobic hate is really the way to go. Plus, you can't trust those damned polls. Fox national correspondent, John Roberts takes the ball and keeps running with that fantasy.
ROBERTS: Let's drill down a little further into those polls. First of all the ABC poll, the new one, taken over the last few days, shows Hillary Clinton with the 12-point lead. Compare that to an ABC poll a month ago that showed Donald Trump with the two point lead, 46 to 44. Then there's the NBC poll which shows a closer race, 46-41 for Hillary Clinton.
Trump himself says the ABC poll is just a dirty poll, because he's not ahead. His big game animal-slaughtering, evil son, Eric was on Fox and Friends saying that these polls just have too many Democrats and are not at all accurate, except when he was leading in the polls, there was nothing wrong. Roberts really sugar coats this past week
ROBERTS: Martha, Donald Trump now has gone an entire week without getting embroiled in some sort of controversy that has taken attention away from his central message so the campaign thinks that things are looking good right now for the future.
MACCALLUM: Yeah and when you look at these polls they don't fully absorb the Scotland trip and the Brexit error, you know what just happened on Friday; obviously, so Trump's hitting back against these and also against Hillary over the Scotland trip because she gave him some grief over that. Right John?
Nah! Trump is the master contortionist, so he twisted his Scotland experience to be a harbinger of the future of American perspectives. Unlike Herr Drumpenfuhrer, the out-of-touch duo of Hillary (the 'Crooked') and Barack, the Kenyan Usurper, totally didn't see this fortuitous disaster coming.
It doesn't matter that Trump was oblivious of the Brexit until he was briefed on his ego-maniacally-named plane, flying across the Atlantic the night before it happened, he secretly knew it all along. It's no matter that the abrupt exodus of the UK from the EU caused massive financial losses, that's totally fine with Drumpf. Those losses have affected everyone, but billionaires like Trump (allegedly) don't feel it as painfully as the average person who lost a large fraction of their 401K. Plus there is that Turnberry bump he got, you know.
His ability to turn orangutan feces into gold bricks is really amazing, and totally undetectable by the zombie eyed viewers of GOP-TV. You have to wonder if he really believes his bullshit. Does he really think that all that financial hardship will magically be forgotten once America gets wind of that racist nationalism? Gosh, let's hope not!