Trump Continues His Insane Racist Rants Regarding Trump University Judge

Trump's racist attacks on an American born Judge continued on Sunday

Donald Trump doubled down on his racist comments regarding the American born Federal Judge overseeing his Trump University fraud cause. To say he is a whiny man baby in this interview would be an understatement. His reasoning for needing Meanie Judge Curiel to step down?

THE WALL. Yes, The Wall that he says he will build between Mexico and the US to keep out all the bad people. Apparently, in his pea brained, racist, insane mind, the fact that Judge Curiel is of Mexican heritage is enough to make him completely unable to handle a fraud case.

Ironically, when you look at the previous rulings on this case, which go back years, it seems that Judge Curiel has actually ruled in favor of Trump more than against. But now that there is this threat of The Wall, he has lost his ability to fairly rule?

Here is a part of the transcript where Jake Tapper really hammers him on how racist this complaint really it:

"TRUMP: Let me just tell you, I've had horrible rulings, I've been treated very unfairly by this judge. Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage. I'm building a wall, OK? I'm building a wall. I am going to do very well with the Hispanics, the Mexicans..

TAPPER: So, no Mexican judge could ever be involved in a case that involves you?

TRUMP: Well, he's a member of a society, where -- you know, very pro- Mexico, and that's fine. It's all fine but --

TAPPER: Except that you're calling into question his heritage.

TRUMP: I think he should recuse himself.

TAPPER: Because he's Latino?

TRUMP: Then, you also say, does he know the lawyer on the other side? I mean, does he know the lawyer? You know, a lot of people say --

TAPPER: But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about --

TRUMP: That's another problem.

TAPPER: You're invoking his race talking about whether or not he can do his job.

TRUMP: Jake, I'm building a wall. OK? I'm building a wall. I'm trying to keep business out of Mexico. Mexico's fine.

TAPPER: But he's an American.

TRUMP: He's of Mexican heritage and he's very proud of it, as I am where I come from, my parents.

TAPPER: But he's an American. You keep talking about it's a conflict of interest because of Mexico."

Trump never addresses the whole "he's an American" thing because facts clearly bother Trump.

The interview goes on:

"TAPPER: Paul Ryan today -- Paul Ryan today said he didn't care for the way that you are attacking this judge.

TRUMP: Look, I'm just telling you, Paul Ryan doesn't know the case. Here's the story -- "

No response to that point about Paul Ryan dismissing his complaints. Oh, and Newt Gingrich came out with some harsh words for Trump on Fox News Sunday as well.

"This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made. I think it's inexcusable. He has every right to criticize a judge. He has every right to say certain decisions aren't right and his attorneys can file to move the venue from the judge. But first of all this judge was born in Indiana. He is an American. Period."

It's disturbing that the GOP establishment sounds more logical than the Presidential nominee.

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