Former Navy Seal Defends Trump: War Crimes Will Make America Great Again

On last nights CNN with Don Lemon, Carl Higbie, A Trump spox, waxxed nostalgic about the war on Muslims and how it's ok if innocent folks die.

This is one of the most shocking and disgusting interviews with a Trump supporter ever.

It was more inflammatory and despicable than past interviews with blonde bimbo Hughes, dead eyes Pierson or word salad Palin. The stuff coming out of this man's mouth was....horrific.

Last night Don Lemon/CNN hosted two veterans from polar opposites of the sanity spectrum to talk about Donald Trump's Veteran's donation press conference. Perry O'Brien is a sane veteran representing "Vets Versus Hate" (official name) Carl Higbie represents the "Racists who love Trump" group (non-official name).

This video is despicable. I won't give away too much, because you really have to watch the whole exchange in its entirety to absorb the sheer hate and disgust this man has for the Muslim people and for all non-Americans. Not only the way in which he presents an argument for their life being worth less than ours, but for his ability to somehow justify this sick perspective to himself and the people he is speaking to.

Here is one of the most disgusting parts:

"O'BRIEN: Let me ask you another question since we've both in the military. Donald Trump has said that he wants -- that he thinks an effective counterterrorism strategy, he's offered two notable examples. One would be targeting the families of enemy combatants, which you and I both know is an unlawful order. The second, destroy, that he likes talking is the execution of enemy prisoners of war, Muslim enemy prisoners of war, in a largely invented historical story with bullets dipped in pig's blood. Would you follow those orders if you were still in the military?

Every veteran I know, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan worked very, very closely with Muslim forces who risked their lives to support a mission. Everybody attacked you since the Fed is not just insane, it's offensive and it puts not just American lives at risk but it puts at risk our brothers and sister still in uniform who are serving overseas.

HIGBIE: Here's the thing, war is not pretty and sometimes you have to do terrible things to win. At the last war, we won World War. We decimated cities. Sometimes there were innocent people, they are not rather not do it but the fact of the matter is to win a war, you have to kill bad guys and sometimes you kill innocent people. And if that's what it takes to protect America, I'll do it.

O'BRIEN: So you're in favor of executing enemy combatants ...

HIGBIE: I'm in favor as doing what it takes."

Translation: I am fine with killing women, children and innocent people, sure. You know, in violation of the Geneva Convention and U.S. and International Military Law. Minor snafu.

The fact that this man represents Donald Trump is not shocking. The fact that this man is a former Navy Seal is deeply shocking. Is this how all Navy Seals view Muslims? If so, there is a national problem that the Department of Defense must address.

Response on twitter was fast and furious.

This tweet, sadly, appears to be true already:

The most amazing part was how calm and composed Perry O'Brien was during this entire exchange. This man is a true American hero, and I commend him for staying on message against a man who advocated war crimes while claiming to represent Navy Seals. That showed intelligence and discipline that we expect from our military.

Here's the important question: will the Navy Seal program come out with a public statement regarding Carl Higbie's bigoted pro-war crime views or will they stay silent?

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