Trump Apologist Gorka Blames 'Islamic Extremism' For Everything!

Sebastian Gorka is paid by Marine Corps University to malign our Commander in Chief?

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Marine Corps University professor, could easily be one of the most arrogant war-mongers ever to walk this earth. Gorka battled wits with Alan Colmes over who is to blame for the Pulse massacre, appearing on this week's Versus on FoxNews.com. The professor had no interest in the realities of the case, his job was only to blame Orlando on 'Islamic Extremism' which was undoubtedly a ruse to cover up the conflicted sexuality of the gunman.

Gorka has his own history as an ammosexual. This February,

Breitbart.com National Security Editor Dr. Sebastian Gorka was arrested trying to board a flight at Reagan National Airport with a 9mm handgun in his carry-on bag.

Gorka thinks that right wing extremist terrorism in the U.S. is not a big problem.

He believes that attention to homegrown extremists is really a political attack on conservatives.

When asked how he would defeat Daesh, Gorka told Fox News Business that he would send more Americans to be embedded with “the good-guy Sunnis” who “are on our side.”

Gorka reluctantly admitted, after Colmes called him out, that he was paid $8,000 by the Trump campaign as a consultant, which is obvious when you note that the Talking Yam has the exact same opinion about foreign policy. Both agree that all is solvable by more war.

Erroneously, Gorka lays the blame for this current ISIS situation where Trump does, as he said on Fox in May, well before this atrocity:

“There would be no ISIS, and no caliphate, if we still had American troops in Iraq, and President Obama hadn’t pulled them out, and Secretary Clinton hadn’t supported that decision,” Gorka declared. “That’s the truth. Let’s stop blaming Bush.”

Trump and Gorka are two peas in a pod, both take to Twitter rather excessively. In fact, Trump retweeted Gorka's totally unsourced claim.

So irresponsible. Things became very unpleasant when Alan challenged his views. More specifically, Gorka's insistence on using the magic bullet word, aka 'Islamic extremism,' caused some friction.

COLMES: Saying those words will somehow get ISIS to react the way we want them to react?

GORKA:Why did we call Nazis, Nazis? The president is being childish.

COLMES: Because it's not a religion, *crosstalk* It's an ideology, not a religion.

GORKA: So is Jihadism, so is Jihadism. Hang on. Alan. spoken with utmost condescension: Don't play the straw man with me. This isn't about Islam, it's about Jihadis


GORKA: *condescending, speaking slowly...Which is an ideology, like Fascism, like Communism and the president wants to deny its existence.

The fearmonger/guest believes that it's ridiculous to blame guns or sexual frustration, because someone who works for Donald Trump has to lie incessantly. Alan explains the recent revelation that the shooter was, very likely, gay, which Gorka thought was absurd. Then, he has the nerve to call our president petulant, his reason being that President Obama accurately blames both Jihadism and our problem of gun proliferation.

In another utterly obnoxious moment, Alan tries to clarify the difference between the ideology of Jihadism and the religion of Islam and how it fuels the conflict between the west and the Muslim Middle East to use Islam in the moniker. Since he had no answer, Gorka replies snarkily,

Are you a scholar of Islam? You just told me what they believe.

He tries to discount Alan's explanation of the well-known differences between Islam and Jihad by claiming that only a scholar is qualified to comment on the matter, so therefore, Alan's point is moot. The only problem is, he is wrong.

The bottom line is that Gorka wants to perpetrate the false narrative that this latest massacre was entirely the fault of Islamic terrorism, which is entirely the fault of anyone who has a D next to their name. Remember, Gorka gained prominence after 9/11, which made plenty of other Republican warmongers very wealthy.

To a man with no ethics, the problem is not guns, it's not domestic terrorism, or too much jingoistic nationalism. Gorka thinks the culprit is our tendency to favor 'political correctness.' This is why he is a paid consultant of Donald Trump, both men think we need more bigotry and hatred. Is anyone surprised?

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