Brexit And Racism, Tucker Carlson Style

Fox 'News' predictably takes the side of the xenophobic bigoted Brexit leavers, being sure to bring on one of their African-American pundits to back them up.

The weekend's giggling couch tumors are no less exasperating than the weekday hosts, even if we are blessed to be free of Dolt Supreme, Brian Kilmeade. Tucker Carlson, Clayton Morris and Mandatory Blonde, Anna Kooiman do nicely as the advocates for the wrong side of everything.

Their guest, Larry Elders, a stock Fox 'News' Black Republican pundit and racism apologist, was invited for the sole purpose of validating the hosts' über-nationalist, far-right, misanthropic opinion.

They can't wait to dish about how great it is that the UK voted just like the xenophobic, bigoted Republicans in our country, taking the opportunity to bash CNN's reporting and VP Joe Biden for some comments he made several years ago.

Because the inappropriate, ill-timed, ill-conceived, pro-Brexit remarks were made by Drumpf in Scotland, right in the thick of all the Brexit controversy, his complete ignorance of the grave consequences of the 'Leave' side winning the vote were no biggie. Yes, it's perfectly normal for an American Presidential candidate to visit the European continent and not schedule ONE SINGLE MEETING with the heads of state of our most important allies. On the bright side, Drumpf didn't pull a Romney and insult the British PM and intelligence agencies.

Trump's vanity drove him to decide it would be advantageous to his campaign to tour his own properties and then give glowing reports about the details of the golf course and a few suites in one of the hotels. In passing, he said Brexit is great, completely missing the fact that the world around him is crumbling. Erroneously, he claimed that Scotland took their country back, when they voted 62% to REMAIN in the Brexit.

Tucker rolled the CNN clip with the woman with the foreign-ish sounding name, Christiane Amanpour, where she tries to ascertain exactly from whom the zealots of the Brexit Leave moment are getting their country back. You can see Tucker thinking, duh, from people who look like you Christiane!

Enter Uncle Ruckus.

Larry Elder spouts the same nonsense about 'losing control' of their government, because of the geographical location of the headquarters of the EU in Brussels. It's exactly like the tyranny that is happening in the US, except that it really isn't.

ELDERS: People in Britain are angry that the rules are being set by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, Belgium. They're setting fiscal policy, they're setting immigration policy, and they don't like it. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with a little independence?

Tucker reinforces Elders' concerns and expresses his disapproval of foreigners overtaking the lily-white demographics and darkening up the place, except not in so many words. He uses veiled racist dog whistles like they will be lowering the quality of schools and overburdening health care. But wait, they found a clip of VP Biden in Ireland, who spoke disapprovingly of the GOP candidate, without naming him, who wants to build walls and create a climate dominated by suspicion and hate instead of inclusivity and civility.

BIDEN: We see in my home country, where some politicians find it convenient to scapegoat immigrants instead of welcome them, to play to our fears rather than, as Abraham Lincoln said, to appeal to our better angels...build walls instead of bridges. It has been un-American what we have been seeing.

Elder was beside himself with outrage because Biden once commented on the likelihood that a Dunkin Donuts employee in Delaware would be of Indian or Pakistani descent. His comment about Wall Street wanting to put y'all back in chains was far too much for Elder, who had a case of the vapors just thinking about that.

The panel all clutch their pearls because those off-color, 'incendiary' comments are proof that Biden is a nasty xenophobe, just like they are. Except he isn't, he simply says things from time to time that are a bit unorthodox, but that's what we love about Joe Biden. In fact, his lack of PC should delight the haters like Tucker and Larry. But they miss the message.

Biden wants to build good relations with immigrants, not stoke fear and distrust. He recognizes cultural variations in society and he celebrates them, and doesn't disparage them as the 'American Right' seems to. That's where there's a divergence with the Faux News hatemongers. Tucker thinks it's strange that the 'American Left' fails to mention the nations of the Far East like China, Korea and Japan who have almost zero immigration.

What he is alluding to is how lucky they are because they seem to be keeping their race pure, which is the Asian version of his White Supremacist American fantasy.

Finally Elders explains why this is happening, in language Fox viewers know how to translate.

Democrats are responsible for every problem imaginable, because they encourage the convergence of multi-cultural immigrants. The Democrats, Elders claims, purport to care about people in the inner-cities, but are just not observant enough to see that immigration puts downward pressure on the most economically vulnerable.

If only they were as perceptive as some of their great Republicans, the ones who aren't tone deaf, like Donald Trump...Likely story guys.

To work for Fox 'News,' you must have a staggering level of cognitive dissonance and an inability to feel remorse or empathy. Whereas a real professional could not purposely lie, almost constantly, without feeling some embarrassment. Free of the burdens that bind those with a conscience, Fox-talkers are never embarrassed, because it's impossible when there's an absence of the genetics to feel shame.

(Editor's note: See Bill O'Reilly's Requiem for a White London for evidence of this)

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