Tucker Carlson Loses It, Gets Owned By Jose Antonio Vargas

Tucker tries his best to be as offensive as possible, then gets frazzled when the guest reveals his paranoia.

Tucker Carlson is simply beside himself with fury over the undocumented Valedictorian who revealed her status in her address. Undocumented spokesman, Jose Antonio Vargas, is among the 11,000,000 people, like him, are unable to attain legal U.S. citizenship. Frequently, it is not their fault they are in this predicament. Their arrival in the U.S. as children made it impossible for them to become naturalized citizens under the broken immigration system.

Vargas, who has been an outspoken advocate for undocumented people, has lived, worked and been educated in the United States.

Vargas, a journalist and activist, came to the U.S. from the Philippines when he was 12 years old. He grew up, went to school, got a job and pays taxes here. But he has never been able to vote, travel outside of the U.S. or visit his mother in the Philippines, for fear of being deported.

President Obama signed an executive order in 2014 that infuriated Republicans, which would grant citizenship to Jose and 5 million others like him.

Tucker Carlson had such disdain for the mere existence of Vargas and this Valedictorian that he phrased their brash outing of themselves thusly:

CARLSON: And you can see why people might be offended that she's announcing this and basically giving the finger to the United States that I've flouted your law and I'm getting away with it and there's nothing you can do.

Carlson repeatedly reminded Vargas that he doesn't get to decide what happens and 'it's not up to you to influence Congress.' With his incredibly rude tone and incessant reminding that Vargas is 'illegal,' he temporarily stunned his guest, but Vargas kept his cool.

Carlson asked him another obnoxious and racist comment: If this had happened in a 'REAL COUNTRY' wouldn't Vargas (et al) be in jail or deported? I think that must be a dig at the African American Kenyan Usurper in the White House. Has he somehow made America a 'fictional' country?

But wait, Tucker gets worse, posing the question, 'Shouldn't we look out for American Citizens first?' He also mentions the border security, insinuating we need the idiotic Trump wall. Then Vargas gets him good!

VARGAS: First of all, I'm from the Philippines, so the Mexican border has nothing to do with me.

Obviously, Tucker wanted to hate on Vargas and all foreign born immigrants, and there was no compromising here. Carlson revealed his true self: the frustrated bigot who is not given carte blanche to be overtly xenophobic and racist. His guest explains, once more, that people like himself have been living here, paying taxes, attending schools, buying houses...

VARGAS: What do you want to do with us?

TUCKER CARLSON: The first thing I want to do is not be lectured and called racist because I want to preserve integrity of the border.

VARGAS: Wait a second, did I call you racist?

TUCKER CARLSON: this girl said it was racist to have a border wall, it's like REALLY? Come to our country illegally and lecture me?

He ended the interview there with the smuggest look on the most punchable face on teevee.

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