Turns Out Trump Voters Totally Don't Like Black People

The most awful poll ever.

First of all, let me say that these poll numbers are embarrassing for America generally. The fact that 21 percent or more of Americans think less of Black people is something we must constantly work to erase.

But yeah, it's much worse with Trump voters.

Reuters did a poll and found that if you are for Trump, you

...are more likely to describe African Americans as "criminal," "unintelligent," "lazy" and "violent" than voters who backed some Republican rivals in the primaries or who support Democratic contender Hillary Clinton...

That's right. Reuters conducted this poll in March and so was able to compare Trump voters to Cruz and Kasich voters. They found that EVEN THEN Trump voters are more negative towards Black people than non-Trump Republicans.

They also did a distasteful but necessary filtering of Black voters out of the Clinton voter pile, to make sure that Clinton's numbers weren't skewed by the number of African-Americans supporting her. Yep, if you're White and support Clinton, you are much less likely to report negative feelings about Black people than a Trump voter.

The numbers are nothing for any of us to brag about. But if you see some right winger on Twitter tell you that Trump will win the Black vote, think again.

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