VP Wannabe Scott Brown Praises Lewandowski Firing, Smears Elizabeth Warren

He just can't let go of a dream, can he?

Scott Brown joined the Fox News Lewandowski Lemonade brigade of trying to spin the firing of Donald Trump’s campaign manager as a positive sign. While he was at it, Fox host Charles Payne prodded Brown into attacking Elizabeth Warren.

As we have previously reported, Brown has been promoted on Fox as a potential vice president for Trump. And Brown is obviously eager for the job. So that made him the perfect faux-fair-and-balanced Fox guest to discuss Lewandowski's firing.

As we have also previously reported, the firing of Trump’s campaign manager has been slammed as a disaster and part of a campaign in trouble. But you’d never know that from this interview. Brown said the Trump campaign is “moving in a positive direction,” and, “You’ve got to adjust and adapt, and grow.”

Host Payne helped deflect by playing a clip of Warren snarking that she thought Trump really does have a plan to help the unemployed when she heard that he is floating Brown as a running mate. She called that ticket “the biggest reality TV show: Celebrity Apprentice meets The Biggest Loser.”

“Senator Brown, what do you say?” Payne asked.

So, of course, Brown blasted Warren. “The fact that she spent about half the time at the Democratic convention in New Hampshire hitting on me is getting a little creepy,” he said. He complained of “gender-based jokes to hide the fact that she’s done nothing in her years there compared to my record which is quite a record of accomplishment.”

In fact, Warren sits on 11 committees and she has sponsored the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, the Truth in Settlements Act, the Genetic Research Privacy Protection Act, the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, and the Equal Employment for All Act.

Somebody’s a sore loser, bitter about a 2012 Senate defeat.

Instead of challenging Brown’s smear, Payne agreed, saying, “You’ve struck a chord, Senator Brown, you struck a chord.”

Watch it below, from the June 20 Your World.

Crossposted at Newshounds.us

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