Watch Megyn Kelly Validate Trump’s Bigoted Dog Whistle Against President Obama

Megyn Kelly has called out Donald Trump for his “ugly” personal attacks on her but that did not stop her from adopting his bigoted “Obama’s a secret Muslim” dog whistle as her own.

Megyn Kelly has called out Donald Trump for his “ugly” personal attacks on her but that did not stop her from adopting his bigoted “Obama’s a secret Muslim” dog whistle as her own.

Kelly has spoken poignantly about being the brunt of Donald Trump's attacks. In her otherwise softball interview with him, she asked, “Have you given any thought in this position to the power that your messaging has on the lives of the people you target and the millions of people who take their cue from you?”

But, apparently, Kelly doesn't mind amplifying the power of that messaging when it comes to Trump's bigoted attacks on President Obama. Yesterday, Trump responded to President Obama’s blistering attack on him and the demand that he use the phrase “radical Islam” with a “secret Muslim” dog whistle:

TRUMP: [Obama] was more angry at me than he was at the [Orlando] shooter. …That’s the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn’t be here.

Last night, Kelly’s supposedly unscripted comments could have been written by a Trump staffer. In a discussion with Fox's Brit Hume, there was the following exchange:

KELLY: Donald Trump’s response really taps into something, does it not, Brit? Because we’ve seen the president, I mean, after the journalists were beheaded, come out there and make this sort of off-hand remark and then he went off back to his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. Remember that? And even during, you know, the last...

HUME: Well, that was when he went - you know, that was when he went and played golf in the aftermath of this hideous atrocity.

KELLY: Right, and then he went and he fundraised the day of the Benghazi terror attacks. And Donald Trump’s point, that he seems angrier at Trump, who said some things that offended President Obama—he does seem angrier at Trump than he does—than he seems or at least geared up when he talks about ISIS.

Hume got with the program:

HUME: Well, that contemptuous tone that you saw in his remarks, aimed at Republicans and more specifically at Donald Trump, is not something that we have heard him express with regard to ISIS, except in a sense to minimize it back in the day when he was referring to it, you may recall, as a JV team and the rest of it. But these comments were dripping with contempt.

We haven’t heard that from him about that. We haven’t heard it from him about what many people may consider weak-kneed leaders in Muslim countries who have not sufficiently, in people’s minds, stood up to the radicals who have so heavily populated their countries and their national life.

Kelly emphasized her point:

KELLY: Yeah, you hear it from him on guns. You hear it from him on Trump. And it’s not that he needs to go out there and be emotional all the time, but the American people are feeling angry. And you know, you would expect the commander-in-Chief, who’s also the comforter-in-chief, to tap into that. People want to understand that he gets it.

Kelly continued the meme in the next segment. Sadly, liberal Richard Fowler who was one of the guests, never called her out on her Trump-style race-baiting.

Watch it above, from the June 14 The Kelly File.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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