Adorable. Ross Douthat Has 'The Cure For Trumpism'
Five simple words? Really, Ross.
Denizens of the Conservative Reformicon opium den continue to lay big plans for the bright, post-Trump future of their wholly imaginary Republican party. However, unlike may other deeply deluded individuals, denizens of the Conservative Reformicon opium den also inexplicably continue to command an amazing amount of real estate on the op-ed page of the New York Times.
A Cure for Trumpism
The case for a conservative politics that stresses the national interest abroad and national solidarity at home.
JULY 15, 2016
Halfway through their "Honey Do" list of things they think some other group of people should definitely get to work on sometime soon, this paragraph caught my eye:
Some of these policy prescriptions are reasonable, but taken together they look like a road map for more quagmires, more Afghanistans and Iraqs. This is the landscape in which Trump’s “America First” language resonated. And the ease with which Trump crushed Jeb Bush, in particular, suggests that it will continue to resonate until Republican leaders become more selective in their hawkishness, more comfortable with five simple words:
Invading Iraq was a mistake.
Hey Ross and Reihan, wanna know five even simpler words which the Right is emotionally, psychologically and financially incapable of ever making peace with?
Crossposted from Driftglass