Bernie Sanders: DNC Emails Should Cost Wasserman-Schultz Her Job
They should have gotten rid of her a long time ago.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz should have lost her job long ago for a whole host of reasons, and following the recent email dump by WikiLeaks, the DNC has decided to scrap her appearances at the convention this week.
Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz will not speak at or preside over the party's convention this week, a decision reached by party officials Saturday after emails surfaced that raised questions about the committee's impartiality during the Democratic primary.
The DNC Rules Committee on Saturday rescinded Wasserman Schultz's position as convention chairwoman, instead naming Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, as permanent chair of the convention, according to a DNC source. She will gavel each session to order and will gavel each session closed, a role that had been expected to be held by Wasserman Schultz.
"She's been quarantined," another top Democrat said of Wasserman Schultz, following a meeting Saturday night.
Wasserman Schultz's stewardship of the DNC has been under fire through most of the presidential primary process, but her removal from the convention stage comes following the release of nearly 20,000 emails.
One email appears to show DNC staffers asking how they can reference Bernie Sanders' faith to weaken him in the eyes of Southern voters. Another seems to depict an attorney advising the committee on how to defend Hillary Clinton against an accusation by the Sanders campaign of not living up to a joint fundraising agreement.
Sen. Bernie Sanders was asked about the emails on CNN's State of the Union and called the behavior "outrageous":
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said Sunday that he thought it was "outrageous" for an official in the Democratic National Committee to suggest in an email that he was an atheist and for possibly using religion against him in the primary contest.
"Well, I think it's outrageous, but it is not a great shock to me. I think, as I said, it's what we talked about six months ago," Sanders said on CNN's "State of the Union." "I mean, there's no question to my mind and I think no question to any objective observer's mind that the DNC was supporting Hillary Clinton, was in opposition to our campaign. So, I'm not quite shocked by this."
He again called for DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schult'z resignation and stated that he was not an atheist.
They'd better keep her away from the convention if they don't want Republicans replaying video of her being booed over and over again in campaign ads for Trump.