C-SPAN Caller Tells Sheriff Joe Arpaio He's A Racist

Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio was taking calls today on CSPN's Washington Journal and a 75 year old man called him a racist over his stance on African Americans

Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona has a long history of racism against minorities and was found to be in violation of a court order banning his Sheriff's from racially profiling Latinos. He continues to state that he is "America's Toughest Sheriff" when really he is just an old, white, racist who happens to be in a position of power which gives him the chance to abuse anyone he wants because of their skin color.

Sheriff Joe went on C-SPAN today and during his segment, a caller named Carl, from Elizabeth City, North Carolina, a Democrat, called in.

"You are 80-something. I am 75, also a veteran. You...cops killing...blacks mistreated, ever since they came to this country...by the cops...and what happens is, they are catching it on cell phones. black people have been complaining for centuries...but you all wouldn't believe it, especially a racist like you."

OH SNAP. He went there, no holds barred, out of the gate.

Carl continued, "You want to blame everything on blacks, which is a lie. We are catching it on the cell phones...you still don't want to..."

And Carl gets shut down by the host. She asks how he responds. Joe shrugs, downturns his mouth and seems to not care.

His *forced* response? "There are whites being mistreated....sometimes cops mistreat other people too. Why are we not concerned with all of the people?"

And there we have it, asked about racism and Sheriff Joe goes right to All Lives Matter.

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