Clinton Nails Trump On His Love Of Dictators Using His Own Words
Hillary Clinton's media division nails it again with this perfect tv ad, using Trump's own words against him.
Once again, Hillary Clinton shows her strength in another spot on tv ad, hitting Trump with his own words in a perfectly laid out 1 minute ad. Spliced together are quotes and segments from a variety of speeches where Trump waxes nostalgically or tyrants and dictators past, such as:
Kim Jong Il for killing his uncles and numerous other family members, just because.
Muammar Gaddaffi for being tough, you know, as a war criminal.
Putin for for being "strong" (dismissing the whole "killing journalists, political opponents and invades countries" as Joe Scarborough interjects)
Communist China for their horrific handling of Tieneman Square, where thousands of unarmed students were killed by military and tanks. That is "strong" to Trump. Killing innocent students in silent protest. Murder is strong.
Saddam Hussein who was a "bad guy" but he knew how to kill terrorists. What about the 300,000 innocent Kurds he killed? That's fine with Trump, apparently.
Is this the kind of man we want to elect? A man who literally idolizes murderers, tyrants and dictators with no regard for decency, laws and justice? Apparently, the GOP does.