CNN Fails To Mention Corey Lewandowski Is Still On Trump Payroll

Corey Lewandowski is introduced without the most important caveat: he still collects a check fro Trump.

Today's State of the Union with Jake Tapper first contained a tough interview conducted by Tapper where he grilled Secretary of State Kerry regarding the successes (contrived by MSM, not the facts of Orlando, Florida or Nice, France attacks) made by the terrorist group lately. He held Kerry's feet to the fire when Secretary Kerry, accurately I might add, noted that the crimes were tenuously tied to ISIL, if at all.

Later in the show, he brought in a panel with two generic strategists from each party and a supporter of both major political POTUS candidates. However, Tapper introduced the panel thusly:

TAPPER: ... here to talk about it all CNN political contributors Bakari Sellers, who supports Hillary Clinton, and Ana Navarro, a Republican, who does not know who she's going to vote for, Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump's former campaign manager, and Nina Turner, former Ohio State senator who supporter Bernie Sanders.

Here's the disingenuous nature of that statement: Don Lemon confirmed, just a few days ago, that this new CNN pundit is still on the Trump payroll! Don Lemon introduced Corey Lewandowski as "still receiving severance from Donald Trump." So asking this CNN employee any Trump question is no different than asking him before he was (not fully) let go by the Drumpenführer Group. If you don't think he's still working for the Orange Hellbeast, listen to how he reveres this man, still.

TAPPER: Donald Trump talks a lot about loyalty, but when I look at Chris Christie and when I look at you who got him the nomination, you could look at Sarah Palin, too, not invited to speak here. Does that loyalty run two ways or is it a one-way street loyalty to Donald?

LEWANDOWSKI: Yes. Loyalty. Mr. Trump is a very loyal person. I think what you see with Chris Christie is someone who has been loyal for a long time and it's a long relationship. It precedes their tenure in politics. And what Donald Trump has said is that Chris Christie, if Donald Trump is elected, is going to have a major role in his administration somewhere.

Now, he didn't choose him as a vice president but that doesn't mean he's not loyal. You know, bringing Mike Pence onboard has helped shore up the conservative movement. It's helped shore up the fact that people continue to question if Donald Trump was going to go with his heart or with his gut. And what we saw here is that he did the right thing in picking Mike Pence to help unify the party --

It seems as if Tapper will badger, harass and try to legitimize his capricious ISIS theories no less, on a respected war hero, Senator and Democratic Secretary of State, who is trying to be far more objective about world events than he is.

Meanwhile, a Drumpenführer staffer can say whatever he chooses without a single amount of honesty about who he really is. CNN is continuing their denouement into Conservative Hell, and Jake Tapper moved them a little further south today.

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