CNN's Hughes Likens Tim Kaine's Spanish To 'Dora The Explorer'

CNN pays this woman to reduce a bilingual VP nominee/US Senator to one of her favorite Nick Jr. programs?

Scottie Nell Hughes, formerly known as CNN's Tea Party spokesperson, is now one of the sycophantic Trumpers, still earning money from that same network. She was someone whom Wolf Blitzer sought to opine on the debut of Hillary and Tim Kaine's first joint appearance since she named him as her VP.

Scottie begins her obnoxious xenophobic commentary in predictable fashion, just disgruntled that Senator Tim Kaine had the audacity to speak in both English and Spanish.

HUGHES: Mister Trump spoke in a language that ALL Americans can understand (hate and fear?) That is ENGLISH. That was one good thing that I thought was a great thing (mmm mmm English)

I didn’t have to get a translator for anything that was going on at the RNC this week. And I’m hoping I’m not gonna have to kinda start brushing up back on my Dora the Explorer to understand some of the speeches given this week (at the DNC).

No Scottie, you won't need a translator, you'll need an illustrator to draw pictures of the words spoken by those fancy shmancy orators with a reading level higher than a first-grader. I suppose most of the poorly educated Drumpf supporters will as well. Illustrators for hire, thanks to the job-creating Democratic Party!

I find it annoying, to no end, that anyone refers to Donald Trump as Mister Trump, as if he extends that courtesy to anyone except those he likes, at that particular moment. I suppose that's what the Drumpenführer mandates, until, heaven forbid, he becomes Herr Drumpf. If such a tragedy should befall this poor country of reality TV worshippers, his title will be the least of our problems. His surrogates have made that very apparent.

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