A Conservative's Lament: 'The Republican Party Is Going To Cleveland To Die'

Ben Domenech thinks 'The party of Lincoln' is about to die when it officially makes Donald Trump their leader.

Conservative writer Ben Domenech doesn't think much of Donald Trump, but his proclamation that the Republican Party is going to Cleveland to die was just too much for pasty-faced Matt Schlapp of the American Conservative Union, who insisted that the team of Donald Trump and Mike Pence would unite all conservatives.

Domenech was having none of it.

Source: Raw Story

“A hundred and fifty years ago this party was begun by Abraham Lincoln on the idea that Constitutional rights were not bound by race or creed. That the American eagle’s wings were broad enough to accept all that would come here. Now, this party is coming to Cleveland to die,” Domenech continued.

“This is not the party of Abraham Lincoln anymore. It is the party of Donald Trump. It has traded statesmanship for xenophobia,” he said alluding to Trump’s ban on Muslims. “It has traded free markets for protectionism. It has traded the higher principles of our better angels for the belief in party identity politics. That is why they are getting zero percent of the black vote in Pennsylvania. That is why you’re going to continue to see this kind of race-baiting approach to politics. I think it’s completely true that this is the end of the party of Lincoln.”

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