Corey Lewandowski Says He's Still Total Besties With Trump

Corey Lewandowski is grilled about his current relationship status with Trump. Are they "on a break" or broken up?

I still laugh when I hear CNN refer to Corey Lewandowski as a "political commentator." That is like my 3 year old niece being called an art critic because she finger paints. On yesterday's panel, Lewandowski gave his best "I am totally serious" face and tried to form coherent sentences filled with big words.

First up - rally in Manchester, NH.

CAMEROTA: Donald Trump -- let me just play for you what he said about Mexico because it seemed to be -- well, first of all, I believe this is video right here of Corey Lewandowski. I don't know if you can see this, Corey. But you are sort of pushing away the camera here at one point. I'll just start here. So you were at this rally yesterday with Mr. Trump?

Well, isn't that interesting. Fired last week, at a rally in NH, pushing away media aggressively...I feel like this is déjà vu, but I can't quite place it. Somehow the name Michelle Fields pops up in my head.

LEWANDOWSKI: Well, so, I was at the rally. And as you know, I'm the chairman of the New Hampshire delegation to the Republican convention. I was there to support the Republican nominee. And all of a sudden, it's a newsworthy event, which I find very interesting. You know, I live here in New Hampshire. And it was a pleasure to go there and to show my support for the Republican nominee.

CAMEROTA: Well, I guess that the question is, what is your relationship with the campaign at this point?

LEWANDOWSKI: Well, look, I have a great relationship with the campaign, and I have said very publicly, and I will reiterate today, that I will do everything I can to make sure Donald Trump is the next president of the United States. I've never wavered from that and I won't waver from that. And the bottom line is you've got a choice between a person who can create jobs in the private sector and has done so, or Hillary Clinton, who is potentially under indictment. So I'm going to support the candidate who's going to create jobs and put America back to work.

CAMEROTA: Did you speak with Mr. Trump at the event?

LEWANDOWSKI: Of course. I said "hello" to Mr. Trump. (that's pretty substantive, in Corey's mind) I mean, he and I have a very good relationship, and I was honored to be part of that team, and I've said that many times, and I will continue to say. In my home state of New Hampshire, I’ll talk to my neighbors and my friends and use any social media opportunities I can to ensure that he wins the state of New Hampshire.

Clearly Lewandowski might have amnesia or some early onset dementia. Did he forget that he was shown the door just last Monday after Donald, the tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon's 'delectable' kids launched a coup and demanded he be fired "or else"? Or else what? Are there more 'beans' to be spilled?

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