Corey Lewandowski Thinks Paul Manafort Should Resign

And the person who's responsible should be fired.

Seems pretty cut-and-dry to Lewandowski. You screw up, you pay the price. The Trump campaign seems to have different ideas, however.

Lewandowski himself managed to screw-up royally several times before finally getting canned, but CNN hired him even as he continues to get paid by the Trump campaign. Confused yet?

Source: Redstate

On CNN about ten minutes ago, the hosts were discussing the plagiarism in Melania Trump's speech from Monday night with former Trump campaign manager (and current Trump campaign check casher) Corew Lewandowski. They asked him about who should be held accountable, and that's when he said that Paul Manfort, current campaign manager, should resign.

He should "look deep inside" and make the right decision to resign because he hurt the candidate's wife. If, you see, if he was the last person etc etc blah blah.

The Trump campaign, however, has stated that they have no intention of firing anyone and, indeed, are denying that there was plagiarism.

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