Trump's Offensive Nazi Tweet Validates All Hitler Comparisons

Latest attack ad targeting Hillary Clinton shows offensive, anti-Semitic imagery, reminiscent of Nazi propaganda.

For over a year, many have been listening to Trump's insane, racist and downright disgusting rants and made comparisons to Hitler. Until today, those comments had been dismissed by some on the right. After today's ad release, they can't possibly deny the resemblance. Godwin's Law does not apply to Drumpf any longer. This is the most blatant anti-semitism to come from his campaign yet.

Here is the actual post. It was deleted, but the internet never forgets:

This is Nazi propaganda, a German-produced Russian Anti-Semitic poster. It reads: "Jews - A People of Contagion"

Notice the usage of a 6 pointed star in the background the piles of money in his lap. Too many similarities to dismiss as accidental.

Last year, Trump used Nazi soldiers in his ad...

Twitter was on fire:

And then there is this:

It has only been 71 years since the concentration camps were liberated. We cannot forget that Hitler rose to power on a platform of hate, fear and promises of a better life if everyone fell into line and removed undesirables. Propaganda, disgusting and inflammatory ads and rage-filled rallies were his path to success. This is Trump's MO as well. Chants of "build a wall" at kids basketball games and threats of deportation directed towards Muslims are commonplace now. Trump has not only legitimized hate, he's made it a virtue for his sycophants.

There is a famous saying by Martin Niemöller, a prominent Protestant pastor and public foe of Hitler, who spent 7 years in concentration camps.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

His message is simple - the leaders of groups (in this case, the Protestant Church) had been complicit in remaining silent while millions of people died. They said nothing.

So now, Trump has come for Mexicans, Muslims, disabled, women, and now, it appears, he is crossing over into clear anti-semitism.

Never Again.

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