Elizabeth Warren Calls Trump A 'Thin-Skinned Racist' Over Pocahontas Remarks
David Muir asks how the Professor Senator from Massachusetts feels about being called Pocahontas AGAIN.
David Muir of ABC News found Elizabeth Warren at the DNC, and asked what she thought of Herr Drümpf calling her Pocahontas in response to her claim that she was a small part Native American in her ancestry.
It's been overhyped and overblown, first by centerfold Scott Brown and then beaten to a pulp by the bloviating, tax-evading bully, Donald Trump. The Cherokee Nation asked him to cease with the racial insult, as if someone's feelings mean a damn to him.
The conversation started with predictable banter:
MUIR:Trump called you Pocahontas. Is that racist?
WARREN: Yes,he is a thin-skinned racist!
MUIR: Is that calling him a name too?
WARREN: It fits the facts. COME ON!
She replies with examples of his clear racism towards Mexicans and Muslims. Then she eviscerates his both-siderist question with a quote directly from Republican House Speaker and Zombie Eyed P90X Trump endorser, Paul Ryan that proves her point. She schooled Muir, in typical Warren fashion.
WARREN: He tried to attack the judge, the federal judge, in his case (Trump University fraud scam) a man whose name is Curiél, and Donald Trump said well, I think I've heard that he is Mexican and therefore he can't sit in judgement of my case. He believed that his bigotry disqualified a Mexican-American judge. AND, Paul Ryan said, 'I think that's pretty much the textbook definition of racism,'
And that's the heart of what Donald Trump has been doing. He and his party have embraced it all. Racial bigotry, religious bigotry, attacks on women, attacks on gays, attacks on immigrants. That is the heart and the energy of what Donald Trump is bringing to America today.
She's just one of the awesome surrogates in Clinton's corner that really gets under his very thin skin.