Former Bushie Compares Clinton/Lynch Meeting To 'Godfather' Scene

Fox 'News' once again overlooks the candidate who actually has a Mafia problem.

The 'chance' meeting between President Bill Clinton and his former colleague and friend, Attorney General, Loretta Lynch on a Phoenix tarmac last week has created a flurry of excitement for Clinton opponents. Judge Jeanine Pirro cranked up the level of paranoia with the help of the two Republicans on the panel versus the lone 'Democratic' voice on her show yesterday.

Representing the 'liberal' side, former Clinton campaign staffer (from 2008) Richard Goodstein, found Pirro's (and GOP pundits in general) certitude of the perfidious nature of the Lynch/Bill Clinton meeting conversation rather laughable. His slight giggle clearly infuriated Judge Jeanine.

PIRRO: Yelling There has NEVER, IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY, been a person about to be nominated as a presidential candidate, under a year-long FBI criminal investigation and *sees Goodstein laughing* it's not funny. (calling the whaambulance)

Brad Blakeman, a Fox News GOP talking points regurgitator was the GOP Strategist on panel. Pirro introduced the other staunch Republican, Tammy Bruce as an 'Independent and Conservative radio host. Bruce has repeatedly claimed that President Obama was never scrutinized by the media. It took me a moment to digest that insanity too.

BLAKEMAN: This was not a chance meeting President Clinton took the initiative by going on to her plane when he knew, look he's a lawyer, a (previously) disbarred lawyer (temporarily, but reinstated in 2006) but a lawyer, nonetheless.

He knew better and in spite of knowing better, he went on her plane had a 30 minute conversation. And judge, this reminds me of the scene from The Godfather II, remember when the key witness against the Godfather is sitting before a Senate hearing and he's about to expose the entire Corleone family, and he looks back in the gallery and he sees his brother. All you have to do is see his brother and he recanted his testimony.

How can you argue with Blakeman now? He compared a movie made by 'liberal leftists' in Hollywood with Clinton/Lynch's Phoenix encounter concluding, unequivocally, that there was foul play? Nevertheless, Blakeman's claim that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was a nefarious example of collusion because it reminds him of a similar scene in a movie, made in the early 1970's, reminded a GOP operative of Mafia-style intimidation, is an argument based on absurdity.

True, even some of her staunchest allies agree that the meeting was deleterious to the presumption of guilt in an email 'scandal' that has yet to prove any malice aforethought. The GOP will harp on the semantics of the difference between a security inquiry versus a criminal investigation.

Early in the interview, Goodstein negated the criminal intent premise by reminding them that the emails were labeled classified ex post facto. Pirro, Blakeman and Bruce pretended they never heard that very relevant point he made. He explained, 'Hillary is smart, but not clairvoyant.' No one can pretend as well as Republicans.

Too bad that this kind of exchange won't be the last time this giant waste of time and money is addressed. But that's what happens when Republicans are desperately trying to win an election with the world's most unqualified candidate who is also a pathological liar as their nominee. The millions of dollars wasted by Republicans shows their disdain for due process, ethics and the American people.

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